ELT Week of October 8 1.Take out a piece of paper! Read over the Performance task (take one) and use the next 10 minutes to work on the problem individually. 2.Be ready to share some of your ideas!
How could you solve this problem? Could you draw pictures? Let’s look at a picture together... Could you use a rate? What are your units? Let’s set up a proportion... Could you create a table? Let’s create a table...
What question(s) do you need to answer first? How many people can get through in 10 minutes? How do you know? What strategy could you use to find out?
Math Literacy! Spend the rest of the class using one of the strategies we talked about. Be sure to justify your answer! Write in complete sentences!
Did you answer these questions?Did you write something like this? What clues in the word problem gave me a hint? When I read ____, that gave me a hint that I needed to ____. What strategy did I pick?I used the strategy ____ because ___. Why did I use the steps I used? I solved using the steps ___ because ___. What vocabulary words did I use? I knew I was finding ____, because ____. What is my answer?My answer is ____. Why does my answer make real-world sense? My answer makes real-world sense because in the real world ___.