UNT Nanotech Ultrafast and Nanoscale Photonics Group Arup Neogi, Department of Physics Research Areas 1.Nanostructured Optoelectronic materials for efficient light emission 2.Biophotonic materials; for hybrid molecular electronics and photonics Sponsors: National Science Foundation US Department of Energy Japan Soc. for Promotion of Sciences
UNT Nanotech * MRS Best paper award 2005 GaN Photocurrent measurement shows a semiconductor like behavior with a cut-off wavelength at 327 nm (3.79 eV), larger than silicon devices, at lower bias. The bandgap also changes with bias. Oligonucleotide based Single Molecule Nanoscale UV Photodetector (A. Neogi et al) Self-assembled guaninosine molecule with strong intrinsic dipole moment I-V characteristics of GaN based single molecule guaninosine photodetector showing rectification at 100 nm length of self-assembled organic crystal. Objectives: To develop GaN based novel hybrid molecular semiconductors for UV- visible photodetectors Photocurrent (a.u.) Wavelength (nm) 54 Device
UNT Nanotech GaN Semiconductor Quantum dots based light emitters (A. Neogi) Near-field emission from a single cluster of GaN/AlN quantum dot for UV light emission 344 nm –347 nm