The VLT Adaptive Optics Facility R. Arsenault, P.-Y. Madec, W. Hackenberg, J. Paufique, S. Stroebele, J.-F. Pirard, E. Vernet, D. Bonaccini Calia, I. Guidolin, M. Quattri, R. Guzman, B. Buzzoni, M. Comin, C. Dupuy, A. Silber, J. Quentin, G. Igl, L. Taylor, J. Argomedo, P. Jolly, A. Manescau, R. Stuik, M. Downing, J. Reyes, A. Jost, M. Duchateau, N. Hubin, A. Glindemann, P. Amico, M. Lelouarn, J. Kolb, S. Tordo, E. Fedrigo, R. Donaldson, C. Soenke, R. Conzelmann, B. Delabre, M. Kiekebusch, J.-L. Lizon, P. La Penna, L. Jochum 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
20th Anniversary of AO at ESO AOF: why…what… To provide improved observing conditions for UT4 Instruments by delivering A better seeing in a Wide Field of View Diffraction limited images in one direction with as constraints Not to degrade the Instruments throughput/emissivity High sky coverage To turn-out UT4 in an Adaptive Telescope To replace M2 by a Deformable Secondary Mirror To provide a Multi-Laser Guide Star Facility To build two post-focal LGS/NGS WFS Modules 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
HAWK-I and MUSE the two (first) customers of AOF HAWK-I, a Wide FoV IR Imager (0.9 – 2.5 mm) 7.5 x 7.5 arcmin2 FoV – 0.1 arcsec pixel size Requirement towards AOF, in K bands Gain of ≈2 in EE in 0.1 arcsec (seeing reducer: x0.8) MUSE, a visible 3D Spectrograph (465-930 nm) WFM 1 x 1 arcmin2 FoV – 0.2 arcsec spaxel size Requirements towards AOF: gain of ≈2 in EE in 0.2 arcsec NFM 7.5 x 7.5 arcsec2 FoV – 0.025 arcsec spaxel size Requirements towards AOF: 5% to 10% Sr at 650 nm under 0.6 arcsec seeing 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
20th Anniversary of AO at ESO AOF: how… MUSE NFM and WFM requirements Number of DSM actuators > 1000 (1170 final) Number of WFS subapertures > 33x33 (40x40 final) Control frequency ≈ 1 kHz LGS brightness (at Nasmyth) 5 106 photons/m2/s WFS camera RoN < 1 e-/pixel/frame HAWK-I and MUSE WFM requirements Number of LGSs 4 HAWK-I requirements LGS distance from opt. axis up to 6 arcmin 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
20th Anniversary of AO at ESO AOF main subsystems GRAAL DSM LGS Unit GALACSI 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
DSM/M2 Unit (MG/ADS/OAA) Same functions and interfaces as the actual M2 Dornier Optical diameter 1120 mm Focus, centering, tilt/chop Hub interfaces 2 mm Zerodur thin shell, with magnets glued on 1170 voice coil actuators DSM response time 0.7 ms Liquid cooled (1.5 kW) Delivery date end 2011 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
DSM development status [read text on slide] 12711/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
4 Laser Guide Star Facility 4 identical LGS Unit, mounted on UT4 Center Piece One 40 cm diameter Launch Telescope (TNO) One Beam Control and Diagnostic System (ESO) Control of focusing altitude (70 to 200 km) Control of LGS position (0 to 6 arcmin from optical axis) LGS jitter stabilization mirror (controlled by AO modules) Safety devices (shutters) Diagnostic tools (power meter, WFS, alignment camera) One 20 W CW dual line laser (outsourced) 18 W in D2a and 2 W in D2b lines (back-pumping scheme) Compact, efficient, reliable and maintainable laser 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
4LGSF: development status TOPTICA Laser FASORtronics Laser Launch telescope (TNO) 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
GRAAL: the HAWK-I AO Module GLAO mode: seeing enhancer in 7.5 x 7.5 arcmin2 FoV 4 LGSs located almost 6 arcmin from the opt. axis No optics inserted in the HAWK-I scientific FoV 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
GALACSI: the MUSE AO Module WFM GLAO mode: seeing enhancer in 1x1 arcmin2 FoV @ 750 nm 4 LGSs located ≈1 arcmin from the optical axis NFM LTAO mode: 5% to 10% Sr in a 5arcsec diameter FoV @ 650 nm 4 LGSs located ≈10 arcsec from the optical axis (Almost) no optics inserted in the MUSE scientific FoV 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
AOF: common critical components SPARTA: real-time architecture for AO control Inputs: 4 x (240x240 pixels / 1240 subap.) Shack-Hartmann Outputs: 1170 commands Control frequency: 1 kHz – latency: 400 ms WFS measurement algorithm: WCoG Control algorithm: Matrix Vector Multiplication 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
SPARTA: development status RTC box Co-processing cluster GB Ethernet Switch 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
AOF: common critical components SPARTA: real-time architecture for AO control Inputs: 4 x (240x240 pixels / 1240 subap.) Shack-Hartmann Outputs: 1170 commands Control frequency: 1 kHz – latency: 400 ms WFS measurement algorithm: WCoG Control algorithm: Matrix Vector Multiplication WFS camera 240x240 pixels – 1000 frames/s High QE: > 80% @ 589 nm RoN: < 1e-/pixel/frame 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
WFS Cameras: development status E2V CCD 220 WFS camera head: first ESO prototype Ocam – test camera 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
AOF: common critical components SPARTA: real-time architecture for AO control Inputs: 4 x (240x240 pixels / 1240 subap.) Shack-Hartmann Outputs: 1170 commands Control frequency: 1 kHz – latency: 400 ms WFS measurement algorithm: WCoG Control algorithm: Matrix Vector Multiplication WFS camera 240x240 pixels – 1000 frames/s High QE: > 80% @ 589 nm RoN: < 1e-/pixel/frame ASSIST: the AOF test and calibration tool Optical calibration of the DSM Full system test of the AOF 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
ASSIST: the AOF test bench 2.5 arcmin unvignetted fov Diffraction limited on-axis and stringent pupil imaging quality Simulation of NGSs and LGSs (including elongation) 3 phase screens at different altitudes Simulation of VLT Nasmyth focus (f/15 – pupil at -16 m from focus) 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
ASSIST: development status 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO
20th Anniversary of AO at ESO AOF on-sky: when… Critical path: DSM and laser delivery DSM end 2011 Laser last one beginning 2013 Tests of DSM, GRAAL and GALACSI in Garching One year needed end 2012 Installation of AOF at Paranal Beginning 2013 (synchronized with laser delivery) AOF first light 2013 27/11/2009 20th Anniversary of AO at ESO