Introduction to AP Physics Boyceville High School Mr. Hamm
Welcome to AP Physics! AP Physics is a rigorous course minutes of homework every night MUST REVIEW YOUR NOTES EVERY NIGHT!!! Pay attention to format.
Expectations Keep up with homework Use the 5-step problem solving method Not need to follow significant figures Quickly and easily use metric conversions
What is Physics? The study of energy and its transfer throughout the mechanical universe What are the branches of Physics?
Physics Frame of Reference Kinematics: The study of motion without regard to its causes. Dynamics: The study of motion and its causes 6 Kinematic Equations Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion 1. Law of Inertia 2. F = ma 3. Action/Reaction Momentum Conserved Quantities 1. Mass 2. Energy 3. Linear Momentum 4. Angular Momentum Work Energy: The ability to do work 6 Types of Energy: 1. Heat 2. Sound 3. Light 4. Chemical 5. Electrical 6. Mechanical *7. Nuclear Thermodynamics: The study of heat energy Acoustics: The study of sound energy Optics: The study of light energy and electromagnetic radiation Chemistry: The study of chemical energy Kinetic Energy: The energy of motion Potential Energy: Stored energy Modern Physics: The study of the really small and the really fast. 1 st Law of Thermodynamics: Thermal Processes: 1. Isothermal 2. Isobaric 3. Isometric 4. Adiabatic 2 nd Law of Thermodynamics: No heat engine can have 100% efficiency. Simple Harmonic Motion Circular Motion and Universal Gravitation Centripetal Force Universal Gravitation Wave Equation Springs Hooke’s LawTypes of Waves: 1. Transverse 2. Longitudinal Resonance: The frequency of the driving force equals the natural frequency of the system. Curved Lenses & Mirrors Ray Diagrams: 1. Convergence 2. Divergence 3. Real vs. Virtual Electromagnetic Radiation Michelson-Morley Experiment: Prove the existence of the Luminiferous Ether Energy of a PhotonWave-Particle Duality Waves as Particles Compton Effect Particles as Waves De Brogle Wavelength Albert Einstein Photoelectric Effect Special Theory of Relativity: c is the ultimate speed limit Relativistic Gamma Factor Time Dilation and Length Contraction Twin Paradox Nuclear Reactions Radioactive Particles
SI System SI – System International (Metric System) Base 10 System Every unit is a factor of 10 different from every other unit EX: kilogram is 10 3 grams (10 x 10 x 10)
7 Fundamental SI Units MeasurementFundamental Unit LengthMeter (m) TimeSecond (s) MassKilogram (kg) AmountMole (mol) TemperatureKelvin (K) Luminous IntensityCandela (can) Electric ChargeCoulomb (C)
SI System Prefixes PrefixSymbolExponentMeaning Picop pm = m Nanon nm = m Micro m = m Millim mm = m Centic cm = m Decid dm = m BASE UNIT-- BASE Dekada dam = 10 1 m Hectoh hm = 10 2 m KiloK km = 10 3 m MegaM Mm = 10 6 m
Dimensional Analysis Your tool for unit conversion A process for converting units Requires organization!!!
Dimensional Analysis Example Convert 500 nm to km Always start with your known quantity (500 nm in this case) The unit that you start with (nm in this case) starts on the bottom of your dimensional analysis The unit you want to convert to goes on top, then repeat with putting that unit on the bottom of the next conversion factor.
Dimensional Analysis Example (cntd) Your dimensional analysis for this example should look like: 500 nm You multiply by the numbers in the numerators and divide by the numbers in the denominators. Answer: 5 x km NOTE…each set of paranthesis is called a conversion factor.
Another Dimensional Analysis Example Lets do another example problem. Convert 3.45 deciliters to hectoliters, and find the price of 3.45 dl of oil if the price is $205 per hectoliter.
Another Example Continued Hence, 3.45 dl of oil costs $0.71.
An Area Example Convert 2500 square decimeters to square meters. Here, you need to square the entire conversion factor: