T HINK F IRST Follow the directions on the document being sent to you on the TI-nspire. There are 6 questions. Do not submit your answers. I will retrieve your answers at ________. Get your calculator and log in
T ODAY ’ S L EARNING T ARGET I/We can make distinctions between light as a wave and light as a particle Vocabulary to know and use: frequency= ν (nu), wave length= λ (lambda), speed of light= c, quantum, Photon, Photoelectric effect, Planck’s constant, emission spectrum, electromagnetic spectrum
E LECTROMAGNETIC S PECTRUM mology-and-astronomy/v/introduction-to- light Light as a wave and light as a particle
c =λν Speed of light = c = 3.00 x 10 8 m/s Also written as 3.00 x 10 8 m s -1 Wavelength = λ = lambda = measurement from crest to crest = measured in nm or m (1 nm = m) Frequency = ν = nu = one wave per second =1 Hz = 1/s = s -1 Write this in your composition book.
H OW TO SOLVE A PROBLEM : E X. W HAT IS THE WAVELENGTH OF LIGHT THAT HAS A FREQUENCY OF 5.77 X H Z ? What is the problem asking you to solve? Ex. wavelength Write down what the problem gives to you (numerical values) and what they represent (units). Ex x Hz which is the frequency Write the formula(s) needed to solve the problem. Ex. c=λν Input the numerical values in the formula. Ex x 10 8 ms -1 = λ x s -1 Do the math and put a box around your answer. Include units x 10 8 ms -1 /5.77 x s -1 = λ x m = λ 5.20 x m = λ (Copy this in your composition book)
Energy of a photon E quantum = hv E quantum = energy of a photon h = Planck’s constant = x J. s v = frequency J = joule = unit for energy s = second Write this in your composition book.
C ALCULATING THE ENERGY OF A PHOTON What is the energy of a photon of red light with a frequency of 4.30 x s -1 ?
F IVE A CTIVITIES 1. Do the following five activities: a. Flame tests pg. 142; follow directions in book. There is one change: use an inoculating loop rather than a cotton swab. Answer all of the Analyze and Conclude questions. b. Emission spectrum drawing: Choose a gas and draw it’s emission spectrum. Follow directions at this station. c. Read pp in the chemistry text and complete practice problems 15 and 116 on pg. 141 d. Read pp in the chemistry text and complete practice problems on pg. 144 e. Create a Frayer Model in your composition book of light as a particle and light as a wave (see example on white board). 2. When you are done with all five show me your work to receive 25 lab points for your learning. 3. Complete as much as you can by the end of the period. Focus on the flame test 4. If you finish early, read pp in the chemistry text. Your homework is to finish any of the problems in c and d above and the Frayer Model.