中國文字的 字形由來和演變 The Origins and Evolution of Chinese Characters.


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Presentation transcript:

中國文字的 字形由來和演變 The Origins and Evolution of Chinese Characters

甲骨文 Oracle bone writing B.C

金文 Bronze writing on ritual vessels

小篆、隸書 小篆 Seal character unified by 李斯 隸書 Clerical/Official writing Bamboo strips

楷書 Computer Chinese font 標楷體 新細明體 Regular/standard script 為請連禮為請連禮 為請連禮為請連禮

六書 象形 Pictographs 指事 Ideographs 會意 Logical Aggregates 形聲 Phonetic Complexes 轉注 Associate transformations 假借 Borrowings Six types of Chinese Characters

象形 Pictograph

指事 Ideograph

形聲 Phonetic Complexes Combine the meaning of one character with the sound of another. Sound: yáng Sound Meaning Yáng sunny Yáng Willow tree Chăng Open ground

Logical Aggregates Combine the meanings of different characters to create a new meaning 會意 ‘Two hands shaking’ means friend. One bird ‘Two birds’→ a pair.
