Ethics: How Things Work Presented by: Kerrie Stillman, Florida Commission on Ethics
Disclosure or use of info not available to members of the public, gained because of your official position Your benefit or the benefit of any other person or business Applies to both current and former officials/employees Exception - info relating exclusively to governmental practices Inside Information
Benefit to self or others Corrupt Intent Benefit to self or others Misuse Misuse
Conflicting Employment Regulated by Doing business with CONFLICT Conflicting Employment
Business Prohibitions cannot purchase, rent, or lease any realty, goods, or services for your agency from any business which you, your spouse or child is an officer, partner, director, proprietor, or has a material interest Business Prohibitions
In your private capacity, cannot rent, lease, or sell any realty goods or services to your office or any other offices within your political subdivision
Nepotism Prohibited from: Appointing Employing Promoting Advancing Recommending Nepotism
Financial Disclosure Due July 1st and published online Read directions, check website, call for help Forms 6X and 6F $25/per day fine after Sept. 1st Collections/Salary withholding/garnishment Financial Disclosure
Gifts Solicitation or acceptance of gifts Unauthorized compensation “The” gifts law Gifts
Solicitation & Acceptance Unauthorized Compensation Public officer Employee Local gov’t attorney Candidate Things of value Based on understanding Public officer Employee Local gov’t attorney Spouse & minor child Knowledge Reasonable Care Given To Influence Quid Pro Quo
The Gifts Law Applies to Reporting Individuals (RI) only
Anything you accept or that is accepted on your behalf, given directly or indirectly for your benefit, for which equal or greater consideration (payment) is not given within 90 days
Exceptions Section 112.312(12)(b), F.S.
Gifts from lobbyists or vendors Lobbyist - compensated and seeking to influence agency Vendor - business entity doing business directly with an agency Between $25-$100 reported by donor Over $100 prohibited Gifts from lobbyists or vendors
Not Relatives & Not Lobbyists Anyone other than a relative or lobbyist Gifts are acceptable Over $100 reported by the official Not Relatives & Not Lobbyists
Gifts and Political Committees Gifts given by political committees are prohibited Applies to RI and immediate family Civil Penalty=3 x value in addition to regular complaint penalties Gifts and Political Committees
Two year restriction Revolving Doors
Opinion Requests INFORMAL FORMAL Question Staff Letter Question Staff Commission Opinion Opinion Requests
Complaints Complaints on Form 50 Referrals Self-initiated FDLE, State Attorney, Governor, Federal Prosecutor Self-initiated Willful failure to file disclosure Confidential & Exempt Complaints
Sufficiency Probable Cause Final Action 850-488-7864 Visit our training page Research opinions Download forms View Form 6 Check form receipt