By: David
In 1800’s thousands of farmers moved from the country to the city in Montreal and Toronto because of the new technology being made in the factories so working goes faster. So most farmers moved to the city so its easier to do there job with the new machinery. Also many people immigrated into Canadian cities looking for work, there were bad living conditions where they lived before, no freedom and wars so they moved to Canada. This also brought up the urbanization by thousands.
Since the 1800s technology has improved dramatically, since then they have came up with thousands of new technology, starting from cell phones to computers to electricity. The phone has changed in many ways such as size, speed, and colours. The computer used to be four times the size of a forty-seven inch t.v. Technology has helped factories tremendously by making new machinery what made production faster and more efficient. The technology also helped the factories with the machinery by not having to pay the machines, not having to take breaks and they can work all the time.
In the 1800’s there was only a little bit of technology and now we have a hole bunch such as computers, cell phones, cars, ovens and ect. They only had houses built of wood and some brick, now we have metal, brick and cement. Our housing is also more strong, bigger and more complex. There tools weren’t very good as well, they only had nails, hammers, saws and ect. Now we have screws, drills, wrenches and ect, now of our tools build stronger structures. Children also didn’t have our fancy x-boxes and wii’s they just had there friends and family to play with. Schooling was also very different from now they had all grades together in the same class room, teacher and were learning the same things. And at lunch some children would go home to eat instead of bringing a lunch. Our farming machines are much better than what they had to use(horses). We now have tractors what are far more stronger than horses and easier to use.
The thousands of people who moved into Toronto and Montreal in the 1880’s brought up the amount of pollution and garbage tremendously. All of this pollution and garbage was very bad for the environment. All of the factories that were being made released tones of pollution into the air.
When Europeans came to Canada they changed everything for the natives for example there hunting methods, tools, housing, medication and clothes. But the Natives didn’t need all of these things, they already had there own way of doing them, although they still helped a bit. After the Europeans had settled they brought different diseases what killed many Natives. After the Europeans came Natives had to move for survival because the Europeans hunted far to much than they needed to, they also just shot animals and left them. Since there wasn’t enough food to go all around they had to keep moving. The new hunting tools like guns what the Europeans brought made hunting more easy and efficient. Since the land was rightfully the Natives the Europeans made a treaty what took the Natives land and put them in reserves.
In the 1800s they didn’t have much transportation except horses, wagons, trains and some boats. But after they invented the bicycle and car transportation was quicker and easier. The bicycle had many advantages for example there used to be three groups one: rich people, then people in the middle and then poor. Since the bike was not expensive everyone could buy one. The bicycle also changed woman's fashions and they could wear less restrictive clothing and more sensible clothing such as divided skirts. The bicycle also made people more social because people would take bike rides with there family for a picnic. The car was also a great invention what helped with transportation. People could only visit there relatives a couple times a year because they lived so far away from them, unless you lived in the city with them. But after they made the car they could go more often because of faster transportation and it will go farther than a horse or wagon. There was two disadvantages though, there was pollution and the cost.
Before confederation most of Canada's labour force was agricultural, but in 1881 thousands of people started moving into Canada from different countries. All of these people moving into Canada brought up the non agricultural because the city jobs had better living condition and paid more than farming, it had a low profit to be made.
Over 2000 people moved into urban areas from all different countries, most people in urban areas found work in steel production mining, pulp and paper processing, textile milling, clothing production and tobacco processing.