Language Project
Hist or y
British Colonization/ Force/ Trade/ Lingua Franca
West Germanic Group Romantic Group: 1.This is a branch and a group. 2.( 1) Spanish, (2)Portuguese, (3) French, and (4)Italian. French sing language was created by Charles- Michel de l'Épée, and the American Sign language system was created by Laurent Clerc Key: - Low German - English Map where West Germanic languages began. 1. English Family GroupBranch
English is mainly spoken in regions like North America, United Kingdom, Australia, and South Africa.
Dialect consists of three different factors: 1.Vocabulary 2.Pronunciation 3. Spelling
Dialect Consists of 3 Main components: Pronunciation Spelling Vocabulary Pronunciation: In Pittsburgh, people pronounce steal and meal like stil and mil. Spelling: In NY, districts spell theater as theatre we spell it as theater. Vocabulary: While Bostonians refer to soda as pop, we Floridians refer to soda as soda.
Vocabulary: elevator vs. lift flashlight vs. torch hood vs. bonnet trunk vs. boot Spelling: color vs. colour defense vs. defence Pronunciation: secretary vs. secret'ry necessary vs. necess'ry US dialect differs from UK dialect in three ways: spelling, vocabulary, and pronunciation