The Secret of Happiness Lesson 9
Have you ever...? Have you ever played baseball? Asking about a past experience. Asking about a past experience.
Have you ever “Have you ever”+ pp = 과거분사 past participle ( pp = 과거분사 ) Wait. What’s that? Have you ever...?
Let’s practice PPs! Yes! They are confusing.
past participle ( 과거분사 ) look talk smile play looked talked smiled played Verb ( 동사 ) PP Group 1: Usually the PP is: verb + ed use used
be go say make been gone said made Group 2: Sometimes you must change the word. past participle ( 과거분사 ) Verb ( 동사 ) PP meet met
put Group 3: Sometimes, you don’t change anything. cut run past participle ( 과거분사 ) Verb ( 동사 ) PP
read PP Verb ( 동사 ) past participle ( 과거분사 ) Group 4: Spelling is the same but the pronunciation ( 발음 ) is different!
Let’s Practice! kill eat see think killed eaten seen thought Verb ( 동사 ) PP fall cry fallen cried
Asking questions about experience Have you ever _____ ________? played baseball
Have you ever ______ ___ ______? played the guitar
Have you ever _____ over? fallen (to fall)
Have you ever _____ an iPad2? used (to use)
Have you ever _____ _______? met Obama
Have you ever ____ to Paris? been
Have you ever ____ a zombie? killed (to kill)
Have you ever _____ _____? eaten octopus
“Yes, I have played a computer game.” Have you ever _______ a computer game? Answering... played “No, I haven’t played a computer game.”
watch a movie “Have you ____ _______ a movie?” “Yes, I ____ watched a movie!” Let’s practice! ever watched have
eat a giant hamburger “___, I have eaten a giant hamburger!” Let’s practice! Yes Have you ever ______ a giant hamburger? eaten
Books and Movies Let’s talk about books and movies. Let’s talk about books and movies.
Have you ever… _____ (to see) the movie “Avatar”? seen
What was it about? Who? When? Where? What?
Who are the characters? Where and when is it set? What is the story? Your opinion - Did you like it? Why? Tell me more about the movie! What is it about? means
What is it about? Who? What? Where? humans, blue aliens A man helps the aliens to fight the bad humans. Pandora – the aliens’ planet
Have you ever… _____ (to read) a Harry Potter book? read
What is it about? Who? What? Where? Harry Potter, Voldemort Harry must fight the evil wizard Voldemort. England
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Step 1 – Choose a movie
Step 2 – Write the movie name Title:______________ Transformers 3
Step 3 – What is it about? Story: This is a movie about ______________ ______________ some good robots that fight against bad robots.
Step 1 – Choose a book
Step 2 – Write the book name Title:____________ Twilight
Step 3 – What is it about? Story: This is a book about ______________ ______________ a girl that falls in love with a vampire.