Introduction to Critical Thinking Developing Critical Thinking Skills
What is Critical Thinking? First, let’s take a look at the word “critical”. “Critical” commonly has the connotation 1 of finding fault in a negative way. 1 Instead of the explicit (denoted) meaning, the connoted meaning is suggested or implied. For example, the word “mother” means “female parent,” but it generally connotes love, care, tenderness, etc.
What is Critical Thinking? He’s always criticizing my cooking! I can’t stand his negative attitude! Is this what we mean by Critical Thinking? No!!!
What is Critical Thinking? Evaluating & interpreting verbal (spoken) and written expressions – e.g. opinions, arguments, observations, etc. – in an analytical 1 and discerning 2 way. 1 analytical – logical, well-organized, step-by-step 2 discerning – having good judgment; perceptive
What is Critical Thinking? Understanding that we all have our own biases 1, we nevertheless try to be as fair and objective as possible when we use critical thinking skills. 1 Bias: A preference, inclination, prejudice. To have a leaning towards one opinion or way of doing things over another.
What are Critical Thinking Skills? For the purpose of this class, critical thinking skills will involve: 1. developing a set of questions, and 2. knowing how and when to use them.
How will these skills help me? You will be able to: Evaluate an opinion in a speech Interpret material presented in a textbook Form your own opinions – written or verbal Participate in a class discussion or debate
A Few Observations Wouldn’t it be great if people always expressed their opinions clearly, completely, and fairly? Perhaps. But this is not the reality. So we must be active listeners, trying to discern whether an opinion makes sense.
A Few Observations We all have our own biases that influence how we view the opinions of other people. Let’s have a discussion now and try to identify some of the common causes / reasons that influence our biases. Our personal experiences Social status / upbringing Educational level Culture
A Few Observations How might these biases affect us with regard to evaluating opinions – whether or own opinions, or those of others?
A Few Observations These biases will cause us to be emotional in: forming our own opinions, and evaluating the opinions of others. We should do our best not to accept / reject other people’s opinions solely on the basis of our emotions. In other words, we must try to be as objective as possible.
OK! Where do we start? The first question to ask when presented with someone’s opinion is: What is the main issue? Other ways to ask this question: What is the main point? What is the point in question? What is the matter of contention?
OK! Where do we start? If we fail to identify the main issue of an argument, we will wander aimlessly in our evaluation of what is said (or written). First, let’s take a look at the two kinds of issues.
Types of Issues 1. Descriptive Descriptive issues force us to consider the accuracy of descriptions of ideas, events, circumstances, etc. Notice that words including “script” and “scribe” have to do with writing down – giving a detailed account. So, these are “matter-of-fact” issues.
Types of Issues 1. Descriptive What causes cancer? Do couples who live together before getting married have more successful marriages? How useful is a college degree in finding a job? Who is responsible for the economic downturn? Note the key question words: What, Do, How, Who.
Types of Issues 1. Prescriptive Prescriptive – making or adhering to rules. Prescriptive questions look for answers about how the world should operate. In other words, what are the rules and regulations that should govern how our world works?
Types of Issues 1. Prescriptive Should the government restrict cigarette smoking? What ought to be done about crime in big cities? What must we do to slow down global climate change?
Finding the issue How can we identify the issue? 1. The speaker / author may explicity identify it. 2. Look at the speech / written work as a whole. What does everything point to / address? 3. What is the conclusion?
What is the conclusion? Finding the conclusion is important, because this is what the speaker wants us to accept and believe. Ask yourself, “What is the speaker trying to prove?”
What is the conclusion? The conclusion is the last step in a reasoning process. If someone makes a claim that something is true or something should be done – without giving any support, this is what we call an opinion. It is not a conclusion.
How to Identify the Conclusion Identify the issue Look for key words: ThereforeConsequentlyThus It follows thatThis proves that Here’s the point.The truth is… Look at the beginning and end. Sometimes conclusions are implied. Ask yourself, “What does the speaker want me to believe?”
Identify the Issue and Conclusion Home schooling is a good idea for parents who are well-trained and patient, and who make it their full- time job. However, the truth of the matter is that few parents have this ability. Parents sometimes pull their kids out of school for the wrong reasons, e.g. discipline issues. Such a motivation predicts a poor outcome if the child is home-schooled. Who is monitoring the parents to make sure they are fulfilling their duties? If these children are not getting the education they need, it is harmful to society.
Identify the Conclusion The conclusion is in the second sentence: However, the truth of the matter is… Conclusion: Most parents are not capable of home schooling.
Identify the Issue The issue is not explicitly stated. It can be inferred: Issue: Should all parents be allowed to home-school their children? Is this a descriptive or a prescriptive issue? It asks what ought to be done Prescriptive
Our First 2 Questions What is the issue? What is the conclusion?