Independent Contractor Policy Next Steps – May 1, 2012 Implementation
Timing Considerations ▸ May 1, 2012 effective date provides for continuity with new Purchase of Services Policy ▸ Expanded requirements of MA law warrant timely compliance ▸ Month of April provided for Advisory Group revisions and business process adjustments
Draft Policy: New Requirements ▸ Completion of a form for all contractors (individuals) assessing their status as an Independent Contractor or as an employee ▸ Contractors are subject to this test regardless of salary threshold ▸ Forms are to be completed and submitted to HR Business Partners for determination of status
Draft Policy: New Requirements ▸ HR Business Partners will make determination of status, and inform Departments and Procurement of disposition and next steps ▸ Turnaround time in HR set at no greater than 5 business days
Planning Steps Advisory Group Fodder ▸ Identify streamlining options for Departments, ensuring true status tests ▸ Pre-screening certain functions, reporting relationships, and tours of duty to pre-assign status ▸ Design training, forms modification, and business process engineering enhancements