growing leaders
Session 3 Slide 2 review session 2 establishing identity John 15 Cycles of grief and grace Spiritual disciplines
Session 3 Slide 3 session 3 clarifying call
Session 3 Slide 4 Chosen Call
Session 3 Slide 5 aims To clarify what call is To identify why it matters To suggest a way of discerning God’s call for our lives To identify how discerning God’s call ought to make a difference to the way we live
Session 3 Slide 6 considering calling – what is it?
Session 3 Slide 7 agree/disagree Use your blue stickers to show where you strongly agree Use your red stickers to show where you strongly disagree
Session 3 Slide 8 how’s the journey?
Session 3 Slide 9 primary calling To discipleship (Mark 2:17) secondary calling Discern God’s particular call for our life (Romans 1:1, Acts 8, Colossians 3:17, 23)
Session 3 Slide 10 Life experience Awareness of God’s call birthtoday unaware aware
Session 3 Slide 11 considering calling – why does it matter?
Identify the three or four things that most matter to you Are these things really receiving the care, time and attention you want to give them? 1…2…3…4…5
a balanced life?
Session 3 Slide 14 WorkLife
Session 3 Slide 16 each person… John 10:10 …is called to a surrendered life …which leads to an abundant life through a blended life
Session 3 Slide 17 OccupationRe-creation God Relationships Spiritual PhysicalEmotional a blended life
I surrender…
…my hopes and my dreams
I surrender…
…my comfort and my security
I surrender…
…my ambition and my desire
I surrender…
…my pride and my arrogance
I surrender…
…my gifts and my passions
I surrender…
…my fears and inadequacies
Jesus said, ‘If I am lifted up I will draw all people to myself’. Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom
I surrender…
…my loves and my likes
I surrender…
…my personality and my preferences
I surrender…
…my wealth and my poverty
I surrender…
…all that I am, all that I have, all that I long for
…because you surrendered all for me.
I’m giving you my heart And all that is within I lay it all down For the sake of you my King
I’m giving you my dreams I’m laying down my rights I’m giving up my pride For the promise of a new life.
And I surrender All to you, all to you.
I’m singing you this song I’m waiting at the cross All the world holds dear I count it all as loss.
For the sake of knowing you For the glory of your name To know the lasting joy Even sharing in your pain.
And I surrender All to you, all to you.
Session 3 Slide 56 The inability to prioritise The inability or unwillingness to organise these priorities Lack of discipline to maintain and tackle these priorities
Session 3 Slide 57 ‘The greatest incentive to saying “no” is having an even greater “yes” burning inside you.’ Stephen Covey
Session 3 Slide 58 considering calling – how do I discern God’s call?
Session 3 Slide 59 the five steps 1.Identify a starting point 2.Discern where God is leading 3.Develop a personal life statement 4.Implement a personal life statement 5.Revise your life statement regularly
Session 3 Slide identify a starting point SHAPE Spiritual gifts Abilities Personality Heart’s desire Experience
Session 3 Slide 61 the five steps 1.Identify a starting point 2.Discern where God is leading 3.Develop a personal life statement 4.Implement a personal life statement 5.Revise your life statement regularly
Session 3 Slide 62 the example of Jesus Mark 1:4-37 Knew his call (1:4-11) Call was tested (1:12-13) Acted on his call (1:14-15) Shares his call with others (1:14-20) Exercises his call with compassion (1:21-34) Reinforces his call through prayer (1:35) Reaffirms his call through hard decisions (1:36-38)
Session 3 Slide 63 O God, you are my God!
Session 3 Slide 64 I long for you, my soul thirsts for you, my flesh yearns for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.
Session 3 Slide 65 Your loyal love is better than life itself, my lips will praise you.
Session 3 Slide 66 For you are my deliverer, under your wings I rejoice. My soul pursues you; your right hand upholds me. Psalm 63 (Net Bible)
next session S4 Developing character Date: Venue: Before then: Meet your mentor Complete project 3
symptoms of life in the red zone… Physically Spiritually Intellectually Relationally Emotionally depleted distant drained stale disillusioned …if ignored