Joseph Stalin
Totalitarianism Stalin's control was so complete that we call his kind of dictatorship a totalitarian dictatorship. He used terror, force, and propaganda to control his people.
Totalitarianism is characterized by: The people are forced to live by their ruler's beliefs. There is only one political party. Propaganda is used to generate support from the masses. The leader tries to convince people that he/she is democratic or has democratic support even though this is not the case. Secret police terrorize the people. The economy is owned by the state, A strong military exists to provide control and conquer other countries,
Five Year Plans In order to have a strong economy, a county needs land, labor, and capitol. The USSR controlled vast expanses of land that were filled with natural resources. The USSR lacked factories, tools, heavy machinery, transportation, and the money to buy these things.
Five year plan The first five year plan started in They continued until interrupted by World War II. Soviet economy made great gains in many areas: – Steel manufacture increased significantly. –Coal mining, oil drilling, and other energy related industries increased. –Production of machinery intensified. –Chemical production was raised. –Production of massive amounts of military weapons was established. –Thousands of factories were built (1500 during the first five year plan alone). –Whole cities were constructed.
The Great Purge Between 1936 and 1939, Stalin used his power to eliminate all opposition to his position as dictator All of the Soviet Union's people lived in fear, including members of the communist party, government, military, and even the secret police itself. By all accounts, the people loved Stalin -- they had no other choice.
Which statement best describes the economic results of Stalin’s rule in the Soviet Union? A.Stalin was able to greatly improve the Soviet economy using non-violent means. B.The Soviet economy largely collapsed during the Stalinist period. C.Stalin achieved many economic successes in the Soviet Union through the use of force. D.The Soviet economy failed to grow because of opposition to Stalin.