An Introduction to PPP in Infrastructure Resource Center for Contracts, Laws and Regulation (PPPIRC) Sara Sigrist Legal Program Manager, PPPIRC Finance, Private Sector Development & Infrastructure Legal Vice Presidency
2 The PPP Infrastructure Resource Center A web-based knowledge management tool, jointly funded by the World Bank and the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), designed to provide guidance on legal and contractual issues relating to infrastructure projects Includes practice notes and checklists, together with sample agreements and clauses, sample legislation and regulatory instruments, and sample terms of reference for appointing advisors There are links to websites and materials produced by government agencies and PPP units from around the world, such as standardized bidding documents The website includes documents in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and in the near future Mandarin Chinese Material is sourced from Bank-funded projects, as well as publicly available documentation
3 The PPP Infrastructure Resource Center The website is designed to take users through the project development process, starting with Government Objectives, then moving on to Legal and Regulatory Frameworks, and then Agreements.
4 The PPP Infrastructure Resource Center
6 Checklist of Issues for ToRs and Agreements with Advisors The website contains a general checklist of issues to be considered when drafting Terms of Reference for transaction advisors, and for entering into Agreements with those advisers
7 The PPP Infrastructure Resource Center
8 Agreements posted on the website are intended as samples and NOT models. Agreements that are not already in the public domain have been ‘sanitized’ to preserve confidentiality. The sample agreements have been annotated to indicate provisions that are noteworthy, unusual, or applicable only in special circumstances. Each model agreement is accompanied by a summary.
9 The PPP Infrastructure Resource Center
10 The PPPIRC Addresses and Contacts Task Team Leader: Mark M. Moseley Senior Counsel, David Satola Legal Project Manager: Sara Sigrist