1 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Market Opening & Corollary issues Towards a Common Aviation Area EUROMED AVIATION PROJECT AIR TRANSPORT SEMINAR Amman (Jordan), 17–18 October 2007
2 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Euro Mediterranean Aviation Agreements Areas of cooperation under a possible EUROMED global aviation agreement
3 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Economic regulation Traffic rights: - First and second - Third and fourth - Fifth - Other rights? Scheduled/Non-ScheduledPassenger/cargo
4 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Ownership and control: increased possibilities for investment in air carriersOwnership and control: increased possibilities for investment in air carriers Economic regulation
5 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate CompetitionCompetition -Mergers -Anti-trust -Exemption of airline alliances State aidState aid -Regulatory convergence: principles, procedures, consultation -Security costs Economic Regulation
6 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Highest possible standardsHighest possible standards Mutual recognition (certificates, crew licences, maintenance)Mutual recognition (certificates, crew licences, maintenance) Exchange of data on accidents/incidents/SAFAExchange of data on accidents/incidents/SAFA Aviation Safety
7 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Cooperation with EASACooperation with EASA List of unsafe airlinesList of unsafe airlines Aviation Safety
8 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Regulatory convergenceRegulatory convergence Eventually Mutual recognition leading to „one-stop” securityEventually Mutual recognition leading to „one-stop” security Cooperation in developing technology and researchCooperation in developing technology and research Cooperation towards other countriesCooperation towards other countries Aviation Security
9 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Single Sky frameworkSingle Sky framework Single Sky CommitteeSingle Sky Committee Functional Airspace BlockFunctional Airspace Block InteroperabilityInteroperability EurocontrolEurocontrol Air Traffic Management
10 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate SESARSESAR MaintenanceMaintenance ResearchResearch Industrial cooperation
11 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate International organisations Cooperation in international organisations ICAO: safety, security, economic regulation, cooperation projects etc. ECACWTOetc.
12 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Phased approach Duration and milestones agreed by the Parties (phases are not optional) Agreed Calendar must be complied with (phases are not optional) Safeguard clauses Phases
13 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Technical co-operation important: Ensure level playing field Promote common high regulatory standards EU industrial interests – all EU stakeholders should work together (as “EU Inc.”) Technical co-operation/assistance should: Drive and support general policy Support regulatory convergence and removal of obstacles ATM, safety, security, “doing business”, airports Lead towards mutual recognition of practices and standards Technical Co-Operation An Important Tool
14 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Corollary Issues Other Areas of cooperation
15 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate 10 years after the full entry into force of the “third package”, the Commission wished to take stock of the application of the package. Some measures have become obsolete, while others are poorly applied or need to be clarified. Simplify and consolidate legislation. Ensure homogeneous application of Community legislation, especially with regard to the monitoring of the operating licence. Ensure consistency between the internal aviation market and its external dimension. Revision of the “Third Package”
16 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Proposal presented 18 th July 2006 Council General Approach adopted 8 th June 2007 European Parliament first lecture 11 th July 2007 Proposal still under discussion Revision of the “Third Package”
17 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate General Principle: freedom to combine air-services or to enter into code-share arrangements But under a strict principle of reciprocity: Member States can introduce restrictions if carriers licenced by them have no access to similar commercial opportunities Rev. 3 rd Package: Code-sharing
18 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Community air carriers should not be "excessively dependent on using wet-leased aircraft". Lease agreements subject to prior approval by the national civil aviation authority. Wet-leasing aircraft registered in a third county, conditions: a) meeting safety standards equivalent to Community and national requirements; b) Three possibilities: exceptional economic needs (7 months renewable once), seasonal capacity needs (renewable without restrictions), or operational problems (approval may be granted for limited duration). Rev. 3 rd Package: Aircraft Leasing
19 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate The approval for wet-leasing non-EU aircraft may be refused if the third country where the aircraft is registered does not provide reciprocity as regards wet leasing. Member States concerned by operations of wet-leased non-EU aircraft must be informed. Rev. 3 rd Package: Aircraft Leasing
20 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Community law applicable to Airports already exists (slots, groung-handling, SES/SESAR) Context is evolving: Rapid growth of traffic; Capacity v. Demand; Economic changes (Airlines / Airports) Facing the ”capacity crunch”: 2025 could see up to 2.5 times the 2003 traffic In 2025, 60 airports could be heavily congested, and the top 20 airports could be constrained 8-10 hrs. per day Only 25% of airport would have a possibility to add new runways in the next 20 years Airport Charges
21 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Air Carriers complain about: High airport charges Monopolistic airports Lack of transparency Lack of consultation “Take-it-or-leave-it” attitude Competition rules of EU Treaty difficult to apply: difficult to establish proper cost basis for every EU airport. Commission proposals in 1990 and 1997 were not successful. Airport Charges
22 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Airport Charges Communication: An action plan for airport capacity, efficiency and safety in Europe Five principal measures to accommodate traffic growth in an environmentally sustainable manner to optimise the use of existing capacity; to provide a coherent approach to air safety operations at aerodromes; to promote "co-modality"; to improve the environmental capacity of airports and the planning framework of new airport infrastructure; and to develop and implement cost efficient technological solutions. 2007 Proposal for a directive on airport charges
23 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Council Directive 96/67/EC of 15 October 1996 First step in gradual opening of access to groundhandling markets Opens up groundhandling services unless specific constraints of space or capacity exist in an airport At the larger EU airports access to the market by suppliers of groundhandling services is free for certain categories of services the number of suppliers may be no fewer than two for each category of service At least one of these suppliers should be entirely independent of the airport or the dominant air carrier at that airport Similar provisions exist with regard to self-handling, Groundhandling
24 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate The Commission is engaging in a revision process of the Directive Stakeholders expressed the need for: Simplification Clarification Possibility to further market opening and some regulation (insurance, quality standards) Groundhandling
25 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Regulation (EEC) 95/93 as amended by Regulation 794/2004: technical modifications. 2004: Study by NERA on “Commercial slot allocation mechanisms”. 2004: Consultation paper by the EC - Responses by stakeholders. Options: Secondary trading between air carriers Primary trading of new slots Primary trading of withdrawn slots Aim: More efficient use of airport capacity – not higher costs for air carriers. Revision of the Slots Regulation
26 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate State Aid financing of airports and start-up aid to airlines departing from regional airports 2005 Guidelines (not legally binding, but explain how State Aid rules are applied to Airports) Aids limited in time, targeted, for smaller airports
27 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Environmental issues: The EU Approach To fight against climate change is on the top of political agenda Need for a comprehensive approach including: Better use of existing infrastructure Research & Development ATM / SES Market-based measures (ETS) Within a global framework
28 Directorate-General Energy and Transport / Air Transport Directorate Technical Assistance The EC is willing to provide any technical assistance that may be needed The assistance is generally provided on bilateral basis But assistance of regional basis also exists Importance of the Neighbourhood framework The contents can be agreed, initiative on the part of the MEDA Country Key objective in air transport: Reinforcement of the capacities of the CAA