Sustainable Development Background indicators Presentation at meeting of Scottish Sustainable Development Advisory Group February 2005
Sustainable Development Some indicators Context Population Scientists’ and public concerns Climate change & energy CO 2 /GDP Renewables Sustainable communities Crime Employment Life expectancy Income distribution Sustainable consumption & production Municipal waste Cars & traffic, Air traffic Natural resources & environmental protection Air quality Bathing waters Fisheries
Projected Population Change in Selected EU Countries Source: GROS & Eurostat
Projected Percentage Change in Scotland's Population by Age Group Source: GROS
Perceptions on environmental problems Source: UNEP Survey of 200 scientists in 50 countries % of scientists saying (in 2000) that an issue would be a major environmental problem
Source: SE Survey of Public Attitudes to the Environment 2002 Public Attitudes
Car Licenses and Ownership Number of Cars per '000 Population 2001 Motor vehicles licensed, 000s Source: Scottish Transport Statistics
Source: Eurostat, DEFRA and Accounts Commission Note: 2001 data for other countries 2002/ /4 2000/1 Municipal Waste Recycling Rates - %
Vehicles in thousands per km of road for the year 2001 Source: Scottish Transport Statistics
Air Passengers at Scottish Airports Source: Scottish Transport Statistics
Renewable Electricity– as a share of Total Electricity Consumption – 2000, 2001 & 2002 Source: Eurostat/DTI
Index of Carbon Dioxide Emissions divided by GDP 1990 = 100 Source: Scottish Executive, UN & NETCEN
Nitrogen Dioxide – Urban Stations Urban background stations, annual average, The maximum UB station in each city with data, relative to EU limit value (LV) and upper and lower assessment thresholds (UAT, LAT). LV: 40 µg/m3, UAT: 32 µg/m3, LAT: 26 µg/m3. Source: EEA Low High
Compliance with the EC Bathing Water Directive (76/160/EEC): 2003 Source: SEPA and EUROSTAT
Proportion of fish stocks within safe biological limits Source: Fisheries Research Services and ICES
2000 International Crime Victims Survey: percentage of population who were victims of at least one crime in 1999, by country Source: International Crime and Victimisation Survey
Annual Average Employment Rate Source: Eurostat
Income Distribution – Ratio of top 20% to bottom 20% Source: Eurostat
Long-Term Life Expectancy in Scotland at year of birth Source : GAD and OECD health data rd edition Note : Some figures are based on three year averages and others on single year