Tools and Resources for you! State of Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Annual Grantee Training
Session Agenda A.Welcome + overview (Jen) B.Grantee resources website (Jen) C.Tools and Resources (TA team) D.Activity: Virtual scavenger hunt (Attendees) E.Activity: Planning to use the tools (Attendees)
PART A: Welcome + overview
Objectives Practice using the TPC Grantee Website to find useful tools for policy, prevention, and system change work! Become familiar with the latest materials developed to support grantee efforts. Think about how to use the new tools and commit to using one new tool in the next quarter.
Show of hands… Are you aware that there is a website for Obesity Prevention K-12 grantees? Do you know how to access the grantee page? Do you use the grantee website? Have you accessed the model policy from the website? Have you downloaded a presentation from the website, adapted it, and presented to a community leader or organization?
Good News! Organized Tools Not us!Us!
PART B: Grantee resources website
The First Step Type in your browser: resource resource Bookmark this page!
The topics for which there are tools and resources include:
Why these tools? These tools have been developed to respond to and support the efforts of grantees While your work should be tailored to your community, you do not have to start from scratch These tools reflect the most effective, successful methods for establishing new policies and procedures Let Lauren know if there are tools that you need or that are not available. Lauren and your TA team can work with you to create new tools.
PART C: Tools and Resources
Overview of Tools and Resources Training materials Build school wellness teams Create wellness policy Assess school community Use evidence based strategies Promote school wellness
Training materials “Can I get a copy of these slides?” Power point slides and handouts from all OPCP grantee trainings Archived webinars The super awesome ‘orientation manual’
Build School Wellness Teams National resources/toolkits Parental engagement strategies
Create wellness policy Our most robust section Technical assistance materials – SOA Gold Standard Wellness policy – All exhibits – Sample power point slide deck – Working with School Boards – Incremental policy steps National resources (USDA, WellSAT, SHI)
Assess school community SOA Guidance documents on measuring Student Height/Weight National YRBS info HECAT and PECAT
Use evidence based strategies “Do’s and Don’ts” document from Orientation CDC Guidance documents on Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Among Youth SOA Chronicles…
Promote school wellness Core Messages Communication Tips for wellness policies Play Every Day Campaign site Healthy Futures HUSSC
Back to the Grantee Resource Landing Page TA team contact info Original RFP documents Sample reporting forms
You are sitting in your office when the Principal from the high school calls to say, “We’re conducting a health screening and need to develop a confidentiality agreement. Can you help me create this document?” Where would you look on the website for tools and resources to help you? Let’s practice!
Grantee Website Recap Become familiar with the website, review the tools If you need additional information or help finding resources on the website, you can ALWAYS contact Lauren. Don’t start from scratch. Questions, comments, suggestions?
PART D: Virtual scavenger hunt
Scavenger hunt instructions Complete as many questions as you can in the next 15 minutes The group that has correctly solved the most questions by the end of the time allotted wins!
PART E: Planning to use the tools
Planning to use the tools Think through the following questions, brainstorm together, take notes, present back to the group in 10 minutes. – Who are you working with now, who are you planning to work with in the next three months? – Which tool might be useful as you work with the groups and organizations you have listed? – How might you use and adapt the tools for your school district?
Please share with us… What tool(s) and/or resource(s) will you try in the next three months? What organization/agency/person will you use the tool or resource with? Would you like help from Lauren as you prepare to use the tool/resource?
What to remember The Obesity Prevention Grantee Website houses tools you need to be successful Tools are added and updated to match the work being done throughout Alaska – Let Lauren know if there are tools/resources you need Try to access the website as much as possible!