Query Health Technical WG 9/6/2012
Agenda TopicTime Slot Announcements2:05 – 2:10 pm Specification, RI and Pilot Updates2:10 – 2:30 pm
Announcements QRDA Category III currently in ballot Recommend community members to provide comments HQMF ballot did not succeed Ballot reconciliation process to start soon (Waiting on details to pass on to the TWG)
Specification Updates HQMF Ballot reconciliation to start QRDA Category III Report in ballot. CEDD Currently being pilot’d by NY and MDPHNet implementations Query Envelope Currently being pilot’d by MDPHNet Waiting for feedback
RI Update PopMedNet Currently working on debugging issues with NY and MDPHNet pilots. HQMF SQL Translator work in progress i2B2 Working on HQMF Generator and Translator using the new CEDD Ontology hQuery Addressing specific issues related to Quality Measures around Occurrences
Pilot Updates MDPHNet Latest PMN code installed for pilot. Most of the Query Envelope in use currently. CEDD implementation ongoing. NYDOH Downloaded and configured VM for Test EMR and ran few simple queries which were successful Running complex queries and debugging issues. Working on Confidentiality Agreement between Lincoln Peak and Pilot sites FDA Portal for Pilot up and running IRB Approval for Pilot received Working through connectivity for the sites. (Site to Site VPN) CQM Pilot (AllScripts) Discussed and demonstrated RI to the team. Working on creating the Pilot project plan and start addressing pilot concepts using sample quality measures.
Top Level CQM Pilot Approach PMN Portal PMN Data Client HQMF to SQL Translator All Scripts Data Warehouse Native to QRDA Translator PopMedNet Query Composer or AllScripts Query Composer Query Envelope HQMF SQL QRDA (Category III Report) Native Results Query Health Reference Implementation Components that will require modifications HQMF CQM’s Stage 2 CQM’s (HQMF v2) Provider Organizations Multi-Tenant DW Provider 1 Provider 2 PopHealth / hQuery Translator Query Health/PopHealth RI Components that do not require any changes Offline - Translate from HQMF v1 produced by NQF MAT to Query Health HQMF v2
Next Steps Continue with the RI Components hQuery Translator for CQM’s HQMF to i2b2 XML Translator using CEDD SQL Translator for MDPHNet