Pneumonia Pneumonia can afect an entire lung lobe
Causes of Pneumonia * Múltiple bacterias, como Neumococo (Streptococcus pneumoniae), Mycoplasmas and Chlamydias * Virus * Hongos, such as Pneumocystis jiroveci
Treatment Most cases of pneumonia can be treated without hospitalization. Usually oral antibiotics, rest, fluids, and home care are sufficient to complete the resolution.
Here follows However, people with pneumonia who are having trouble breathing, people with other medical problems, and older people may need more advanced treatment.
Virus The viruses reach the lungs through the air being inhaled through the mouth or nose or eating foot. Once in the lungs, the virus invades the cells lining the airways and alveoli. This invasion often leads to cell death, either directly or through apoptosis.
Symptoms of pneumonia What are the symptoms of pneumonia? A)Pneumonia is an infectious disease. B)Pneumonia is not an infectious disease. C)Pneumonia is a psychological disease.
By María, Laura S.F, Ana and Álvaro