Writing Assignments that Work Lessons for the New Era of College Readiness Keystone Conference Tripp Presley, Heather Farmer, Mike Moran
College Readiness in Writing Results of STAAR exam in Writing (9 th grade) Results Survey results from college freshman over last two years showing what students believe they were taught during their last year of high school English. Survey results
Pathways/CRAFT Pathways/English team evaluated eleven College-Readiness assignments as part of CRAFT grant from UT/Austin. Strengths: varied, engaging discussion and prewriting activities; real-world topics that ranged from current events to speech to history. Weaknesses: transition from prewriting to organizing/drafting essay not always apparent; assessment (rubric) not always clear or poorly designed.
The Higher Education Coordinating Board ENGL 1301 Composition I Intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to drafting, revising, and editing, both individually and collaboratively. Emphasis on effective rhetorical choices, including audience, purpose, arrangement, and style. Focus on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning, communicating, and critical analysis. ◦Learning Outcomes: ◦Upon successful completion of this course, students will: ◦1. Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes. ◦2. Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution. ◦3. Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose. ◦4. Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts. ◦5. Use Edited American English in academic essays.
The Higher Education Coordinating Board ENGL 1302 Composition II Intensive study of and practice in the strategies and techniques for developing research-based expository and persuasive texts. Emphasis on effective and ethical rhetorical inquiry, including primary and secondary research methods; critical reading of verbal, visual, and multimedia texts; systematic evaluation, synthesis, and documentation of information sources; and critical thinking about evidence and conclusions. Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will: ◦1. Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative research processes. ◦2. Develop ideas and synthesize primary and secondary sources within focused academic arguments, including one or more research-based essays. ◦3. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence. ◦4.Write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or action. ◦5. Apply the conventions of style manuals for specific academic disciplines (e.g., APA, CMS, MLA, etc.)
Pathways Lessons Synthesis Essay by Julie Schweers Synthesis Essay Rhetorical Analysis of an Advertisement by Greg S. ◦Preparing for Rhetorical AnalysisPreparing for Rhetorical Analysis ◦Common Rhetorical DevicesCommon Rhetorical Devices ◦Rhetorical Analysis QuestionnaireRhetorical Analysis Questionnaire ◦Peer Editing SheetPeer Editing Sheet ◦Reflection ChartReflection Chart ◦Scoring RubricScoring Rubric
Pathways Lessons Group Research and Analyzing Literature by Mike Moran ◦AssignmentAssignment ◦Team 3 Sample PresentationTeam 3 Sample Presentation ◦Team 4 Sample Annotated BibliographyTeam 4 Sample Annotated Bibliography ◦Grading CriteriaGrading Criteria
Future Directions of Pathways/English Develop strategies for students who are needing remediation to accelerate their process for successful course credit in Create professional development modules for teachers and create a trainer of trainers model to directly impact teacher content knowledge and strategies for improving instruction. Develop an integrated course of instruction for reading and writing for entry level students who are identified for Developmental Education courses. Continue the conversation. Work together as a cohesive team to tackle the problems of transition.
Future Pathways work