Rhetorical Analysis of… an advertisement
Example Nostalgia Classic Timeless American Brand name “never goes out of style”
Sample #2
Can you identify the product and message?
Your assignment Look for and select one print ad for any type of advertised product. Type a one paragraph rhetorical analysis of the ad in which you explain how the advertiser is marketing the product. You should examine to whom the product is marketed, what the main message of the ad is, and what emotions the ad intends to elicit.
Format of the Essay Sam Ple (10) Grammar/Usage English 11, 6.0 (15) Specificity Mr. Manero (15) Depth of Insight 17 September 2012 Your Title Here Begin your essay here.
Requirements 1. Typed, double spaced 2. One paragraph 3. Attach ad to the essay 4. DUE TUESDAY
Sample The ingenuity of this Coca-Cola ad begins with its ability to offer such a powerful message while remaining simple. The advertisement contains only two main aspects, a collage in the shape of a Coca Cola bottle and a quote, centered on a white background. The collage is made up of images, which are tinted the famous Coca Cola red for which the company is known, of some of the most iconic figures and objects of the past century in America, including Elvis Presley, a Ford Thunderbird, a baseball, an apple pie, Marilyn Monroe, an American flag, a hot dog, the famous V-J Day photograph taken in NYC of a sailor kissing a nurse, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones logo, and Audrey Hepburn. What makes this advertisement’s message so powerful is its focus on timelessness. For something to be considered timeless, its popularity must outlast its heyday and it must appeal to people of all generations. A timeless figure or object never loses its esteem and fame. For example, Elvis Presley was one of the most popular American singers of the 20th century. By focusing on themes of timelessness and nostalgia, this Coca Cola advertisement definitely succeeds in offering a powerful message to people of all generations. At a time where technology is ever expanding and boy bands reign supreme, Coke could have created a generic advertisement using images of Justin Bieber, One Direction, Apple products, Taylor Swift, star athletes and hip-hop icons, thus easily appealing to millions of customers all around the world. But this was neither the message nor the intended audience Coca Cola was after. Through this print ad, Coca-Cola wants its consumers to believe that to drink Coke is to be timeless, consistent, and classic.