Chapter 5 Section 4 The Glory That Was Greece
Reason The Greeks Believed that events were caused by reason Philosophers studied many kinds of subjects Math to Music / Ethics and Moral behavior Asked Questions like “what type of government is best?” “We cultivate the mind, we are lovers of the beautiful, yet simple in our tastes” -Pericles
Sophists Questioned ideas about truth and justice Success was more important that truth and justice Urged students to develop skills in RHETORIC: The art of skillful speaking
Socrates Most of what we know about Socrates is from his student Plato “Truth” is the most important thing Questioned beliefs and methods of all of those around him Killed for his teachings “The unexamined life is not worth living” What is Love, Friendship, honor, justice, loyalty, patriotism
Plato Student of Socrates, left Athens after his death and returned 10 years later Set up “The Academy”: lasted 900 years Emphasized reason Wrote the Republic: Rejected Athenian Democracy because it condemned Socrates and said that an aristocracy was the best Gov’t, wanted total state control Divided people into 3 groups Workers to producers Soldiers to defend the state The Ruling Elite Plato also believed women could be equal or superior to men so he included them as leaders in his ideal “Republic”!
Aristotle Plato’s most famous student Analyzed what was the best form of government Suspicious about democracy Could lead to mob rule Favored a single strong ruler Reason is the guiding force for learning Set up the “Lyceum” for all branches of learning (Ethics, Biology, Physics)
Greek Architecture Simple Rectangular shape with tall columns/ Sloped Roof Copied throughout America Parthenon: Temple of the Greek goddess Athena
Greek Architecture
Influence of Greek Architecture
Poetry and Drama Tragedies: Plays that told of Human suffering usually ended in disaster Comedies: Humorous plays that mocked people of customs Had a Chorus who narrated the play and commented between scenes