O BJECTIVE To understand what ideas arose in ancient Greece that contributed to the development of democratic values in the modern world.
I. R ISE OF C ITY S TATES Greeks lived in “city-states” and tried different kinds of government King or monarchy Aristocracy or noble landowners Finally, power went to the citizenry Sparta- military state, run by 2 kings, a council of elders and an assembly of all males over 30 Athens- the city state where democracy emerged. Council of 500- legislature made up of citizens chosen at random Assembly – all males citizens over 30 approved all laws
II. A THENS IN THE A GE OF P ERICLES Direct democracy- citizens participate and vote directly, not through elected representatives Jury-panel of citizens who have the final judgment in a trial Believed in the rights and responsibilities of the individual
III. G REEK P HILOSOPHY Philosopher- “lover of wisdom” Used observation and reason Looked for “natural laws” Discussed ethics and morality or standards of human behavior
III. S OCRATES Asked “What is the Greatest Good?” Socratic method-asking a series of questions Was put on trial and had the chance to run, but stayed and drank the cup of poison to show his loyalty to the state
IV. P LATO Socrates’ student Wrote “The Republic” Describes the ideal state Believed in “philosopher kings”, distrusted democracy (it killed Socrates) Created a school “The Academy”
V. A RISTOTLE Believed in: THE RULE OF LAW Even the ruler should be subject to the law Wrote “Politics” People should live using the golden mean- no extremes Set up the Lyceum- a school
VI. A LEXANDER THE G REAT Tutored by Aristotle Conquered an empire from Greece 2000 miles east through Persia New mixed culture emerged “Hellanistic”
Q UESTIONS 1. What democratic ideas arose in ancient Greece? (4 at least) 2.Describe the shift in power over time in the Greek city states. 3. What did Socrates, Plato and Aristotle each think of democracy? 4.Describ what “the Rule of Law” means. Who’s idea was this?