Washington’s Water Use Efficiency Rule May Require Increased Coordination for Many Utilities Dan Sander, P.E. Senior Engineer
Good Decisions ▼ Good decisions are based on good information
The Right Stuff? ▼ Is your organization collecting and keeping the right kind of information? ▼ Is this information being analyzed and summarized? ▼ Are these results being shared with others in your organization who need them?
Goal Setting ▼ Water Demand Forecast Information l How do you do this without good historical information? Number / type of connections Water produced / used Service area capacity
Goal Setting ▼ Water supply characteristics l How do you do this without data regarding: Amount of water produced Water levels in your wells (including drawdown) Knowledge of maximum daily demand Trends
Goal Setting ▼ Water system characteristics l Are you approaching limits of other system facilities on peak days? Equalizing Storage Booster Pump Stations Transmission / Distribution System
Goal Setting ▼ Who within the organization knows this information? l How is it documented? ▼ Who needs this information? l In what form / format is it most useful?
2007Month Total monthly usage Pump #1 reading Pump #1 total Pump #2 reading Pump #2 total January262,9405,477,470114,3204,586,680148,620 February186,3105,570,18092,7104,680,28093,600 March201,3205,668,14097,9604,783,640103,360 April245,9405,783,440115,3004,914,280130,640 May455,8706,006,410222,9705,147,180232,900 June577,2106,372,550366,1405,358,250211,070 July747,4606,999,740627,1905,478,520120,270 August764,4207,354,150354,4105,888,530410,010 September485,1307,585,540231,3906,142,270253,740 October182,8407,672,65087,1106,238,00095,730 November173,0907,721,45048,8006,362,290124,290 December167,6507,801,04079,5906,450,35088,060 Yearly Total4,450,180
Evaluating Your Water Use Efficiency Program ▼ What will you measure? ▼ How will you measure it? ▼ How often will it be measured? ▼ Who will evaluate the data? ▼ How will the data be summarized / presented? ▼ How will the results be communicated to your customers?
Meters ▼ New l Size l Type l Installation ▼ Existing l Is it the right size and type for actual flows? l Is it installed properly? l Accuracy l Testing / Repair / Replacement
Authorized Uses (Consumption) ▼ Bulk water sales l Who authorizes the use Withdrawal point(s) Time period l How will other staff be notified of new permit / authorization l How quickly?
Authorized Uses (Consumption) ▼ If not metered, how is bulk water estimated and tracked? l Must be Credible Method l How will data be summarized / presented? ▼ Who needs this information and when?
Authorized Uses (Consumption) ▼ Water System Uses l Flushing l Tank cleaning l New construction ▼ Fire Fighting l Training / hydrant testing
Authorized Uses (Consumption) ▼ If not metered, how is water system and fire fighting use estimated and tracked? l Must be Credible Method ▼ How will the data be summarized / presented ▼ Who needs this information and when?
Data Collection ▼ Coordinate source and service meter readings in order to measure water produced and water authorized in the same block of time (maximize data accuracy). ▼ Note unusual, but not abnormal, events during meter reading (ex. high water use day)
Leak Detection ▼ Budget ▼ Target areas ▼ Leaks fixed ▼ Amount of water saved ▼ Value of water saved ▼ Who needs to know this information? ▼ Long term replacement plan
Annual Performance Report ▼ Production and Distribution Leakage information ▼ Goal setting information and progress ▼ Meter installation schedule / progress
Budget Process ▼ Make budget needs known l Data collection l Data analysis and summary l Reporting Other staff Governing Board Customers
Conclusion ▼ Take the time to determine what information is needed and how to collect it ▼ Determine who will evaluate and summarize the information ▼ How will the information be presented? ▼ Where will the information be kept? ▼ Who needs to (should) know this information?
Questions? Dan Sander, P.E. Senior Engineer 1191 Second Ave., Suite 630 Seattle, Washington (509)