Answer these review questions (in your notebook) Write down the 3 layers of Earth List 2 facts about earth
Agenda Energy Notes Video Notes on ecosystems and food webs Food web Activity Review
ENERGY IN THE EARTH system -interacting components that form an integrated whole Described as separate but all linked Have boundaries, but matter and energy flow through them Earth operates as a result of the combination of smaller, interrelated systems
Two Type of Systems Closed Systems energy, but not matter is exchanged with the surroundings Open Systems both energy and matter are exchanged with the surroundings
Is Earth a Closed or Open System?
Where does the energy come from?
Where does the energy come from? Sun
Interior of the Earth
Tides-created by gravitational attraction Least important of the three sources.
Energy Budget The first law of thermodynamics - energy is transferred between systems, but it cannot be created or destroyed The transfers of energy between Earth’s spheres are parts of an energy budget
Factors Influencing Energy Budget Land use changes Use of fossil fuels When we burn fossil fuels it releases carbon dioxide which traps the suns energy This leads to the overall temperature of earth to increase Some debate as to how severe this is and how much humans impact the cycle
Think – Pair - Share Think about how we influence energy budget Find a partner and share your thoughts
Video Just listen and enjoy
Energy in Ecosystems Biotic-living Abiotic-not living Ecology - study of the relationships between living things and their nonliving environment ecosystem - a community of organisms and their abiotic environment Examples- Ocean Rotting log
Major Players in an ecosystem Organisms that make their own food are called producers.
Consumers are organisms that get their energy by eating other organisms. Primary Secondary
Decomposers are consumers that get energy by breaking down dead organisms
Food Chain Shows where each organisms gets is food and energy
Which is abiotic and biotic
Label each animal as producer, consumer, decomposer
Food Web Interconnected food chains
Energy Flow Energy Pyramid-shows energy flow in a food web and how energy is lost
Carrying Capacity Matter and energy in an ecosystem are limited, the population growth within the ecosystem is limited carrying capacity - the largest population that an environment can support at any given time
Review Question Where is the largest amount of energy in an energy pyramid? Where does all of the energy originate?
MN Organisms-Class Food Web Bobcat/cougar/lynx Wolves Deer Raccoon Fish Hawks/Eagles Other birds Rodents Fungi Moose Snakes Turtles Fox Conifers Maple/Oak trees Grasses Shrubs/berries
HOMEWORK Make your own food web Cut out the pictures and glue them onto a sheet of paper. Then draw arrows showing the relationship between the organisms.
Observation/create a question Hypothesis Test the Hypothesis Conclusion Alter Hypothesis or make a new hypothesis
Branches Geology -structure of Earth, rocks, minerals Meteorology -atmosphere and weather Astronomy -universe, stars, planets Oceanography -the ocean and its organisms Environmental –humans and the environment