Informal Discussion on Whole School Evaluation and Subject Inspection
WSE/ Subject Inspection SDPI Template – link SDPI Link with Inspector Link with Support group Share Ideas/ Methodologies/Plans for all our Subjects Share our Experiences/ Expertise Support for new Teachers Reduce the work - Be SMART
WSE/ Subject Inspection Evaluation Framework 1. Quality of School Management 2. Quality of school planning 3. Quality of curriculum provision 4. Quality of Learning and Teaching 5. Quality of support for students
WSE/ Purpose of WSE Provide an external perspective on the work of the school Affirm good practice Identify constructively areas for improvement Facilitate school self-evaluation Assure quality in education system
WSE/ Subject Inspection Planning and Preparation Teaching and learning Assessment and achievement
Subject Inspection Folder Syllabus – This is the most important document Templates – SDPI or devise your own Show Progression – Revisit/ meetings Resources Methodologies Assessment Evaluate
Subject Inspection - Resources Text books Exam papers Handouts Worksheets Websites Other resources Business 2000 The Spirit of Enterprise Whiteboard Overhead Data Projector Newspapers Revision Seminars Posters Others….. Perhaps your Teaching Philosophy
Subject Inspection - assessment Testing: Christmas Summer Class Tests Observation Questioning 5 minute reflective paper Homework/class work AFL Ensure to document your students Results
Range/Variety of methodologies: Role-play Individual /Pair / Group– Cooperative Learning Discussions Brainstorming / Brain writing Debates Websites Visitor Visits out Computer- Cd’s TV and DVD Inspection
Subject Inspection Student Friendly Meets the needs of all types of Learners Students are actively involved in the learning process.
Five minute Reflective Paper What have I Learned today?(key words) Something I found difficult? Devise a question: Sample – Reflective Paper This is ideal to recall Learning. It may be used at the end of a class/ Topic.
Inspection Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning process. Assessment needs to be formative so as to facilitate improved performance through feedback, guidance and affirmation.
Evaluation: Ongoing evaluation is central to the success of any Subject/ Programme
WSE/Subject Inspection Future….. Meet with Inspector Staff day Needs………... Thank You