C ASE S OLUTIONS AND S UPER N OVA Validated cleaning products for each step in the decontamination process Available ready-to-use and super concentrated High detergency with high levels of enzymes and chelating agents
C LEANING S TEPS SortingSoak Manual Cleaning Sonic Manual Cleaning Automated Cleaning A rinse should be included after each step.
W ATER Water is required for washing and rinsing. Water that is safe to drink may not be appropriate for decontamination, because of the effects of chemicals or additives. Even minute quantities of contaminants on surgical instruments can affect patients! Water can carry microorganisms and minerals (hard water ions). Surgical devices bypass the body’s defenses.
W ATER Q UALITY Some detergents are affected by water quality. Water can be soft or hard and may be treated by softening, RO, DI or distillation to achieve purity. Water quality can be measured for hardness, conductivity and pH. Case Medical uses RO high purity water in all of our cleaners.
S UPER N OVA S ET - UP Will provide an easy option for the customer Eliminates issues with machine manufacturer Wide-mouth bottle to accommodate probes Color Coded Set-up to avoid confusion Saves time, money and increases productivity Avoids waste (The hidden cost)
S ET -U P AT THE M ACHINE Here is our set-up for the machines Avoids: Cutting the probes Attaching to wires And, any issues with external battery operated alarm stand Installation kit includes color coded cap, nipple and gasket.
C USTOMER G AINS V ALUE In utilizing super concentrated product Pennies on the dollar at cost per use dilution Cost savings in labor and processing Frees up storage space Standardized cleaners and process No unnecessary components Environmentally preferred products Saves instrument inventory
C USTOMER G AINS V ALUE Non-hazardous cleaners Protect staff, patients and the environment Protect valuable instrument from corrosion Contribute to a long useful life Save on instrument replacement Save on hazardous waste disposal Prevent accidents and their associated costs for medical care and punitive damages
B ENEFITS OF C ASE S OLUTIONS AND S UPER N OVA Super concentrated cleaners save space, address ergonomic issues and provide more product for the $$. May be disposed in standard recycling. Small packaging frees up inventory space. Multi-enzymatic cleaners facilitate the cleaning process 1 million times faster than non-enzymatic cleaners May be used for both manual and automated cleaning Effective even at lower temperatures to further cut energy costs.
A DDITIONAL V ALUE Hypoallergenic with sealed dispensing to avoid allergic reactions Automatic dosing with flow control to avoid over or under use of product Color coded to avoid confusion MSDS readily available: online and on the bottle to avoid injuries and fully comply with guidelines Most effective at lowest cost Proprietary hardware provided at no additional cost
T HE MEAT AND POTATOES The real cost savings lies in the cost per use. While the acquisition cost may be equal or slightly greater than other concentrated cleaners, the real savings is at the actual use dilution. Users will get anywhere from 4-10x more product for their money. Utilizing the correct amount of product reduces costs. Warning: Purchasing only looks at acquisition cost. Education is critical. Use the cost benefit analysis tool, which demonstrates the real cost savings at use dilution.
Find out what products the customer is currently using. Determine the number shipping units per month for each product. Ask the user for actual dilution rate set at the machines. Record information about pH and whether an acid neutralizer is used. U SE THE S UPER N OVA C OST B ENEFIT A NALYSIS Q UESTIONNAIRE
U NDERSTANDING THE C OST R EDUCTION The acquisition cost is higher. The fee per use cost is significantly lower. Over 1,000 uses per case.
SUPERNOVA Part #Description Concentr. [oz/galr] Retail Price [$] 33% off Price [$] 40% off Price [$] Tier1 Price [$/gal.] Tier 2 Price [$/gal.] Dilution Rate Lowest Dilution Price per Gal. [$/gal.] Highest Dilution Price per Gal. [$/gal.] CSNB25G SUPERNOVA.25 Detergent (4Gal./Case) 1/4 $ $ $ $ $ :512 $ $ CSNB25 SUPERNOVA.25 Detergent (5Gal./Case) 1/4 $ $ $ $ $ :512 $ $ CSNC01G SUPERNOVA.1 MultiEnzymatic (4Gal./Case) 1/10 $ $ $ $ $ :1280 $ $ CSNC01 SUPERNOVA.1 MultiEnzymatic (5Gal./Case) 1/10 $ $ $ $ $ :1280 $ $ CSNC25G SUPERNOVA.25 MultiEnzymatic (4Gal./Case) 1/4 $ $ $ $ $ :512 $ $ CSNC25 SUPERNOVA.25 MultiEnzymatic (5Gal./Case) 1/4 $ $ $ $ $ :512 $ $ CSNL01 SUPERNOVA.1 InstruCreme Lubricant (5Gal./Case) 1/10 $ $ $ $ $ :1280 $ $ CSNL01G SUPERNOVA.1 InstruCreme Lubricant (4Gal./Case) 1/10 $ $ $ $ $ :1280 $ $ CSNCD1 SUPERNOVA.1 Case Dry Concentrate (5Gal./Case) 2/100 $ $ $ $ $ :6400 $ $ S UPER N OVA – C OST P ER U SE C ALCULATION
C OST P ER U SE C ALCULATION Gallons of water 1. Automated Washer has approximately 9 gal. 2. Sonic has approximately 4 gal. 3. Sink has approximately 4 gal. 4. Basin for Soaking has approximately 1 gal. Question 1. What is the approximate cost per use of Case Medical product in the Automated Washer? 2. Cost per use in the Sonic? 3. Cost per use in the Sink? 4. And cost per use in the Basin?
S UPER N OVA – C OST P ER U SE A NALYSIS How can we use our Cost Analysis to compete against the Competition? Prolystica is offered as a similar product, but at a higher cost. Compare by price. All others use cost per use template. Cost/Gal.SuperNova.25 Cost/Gal. Steris Prolystica Enzymatic $154 to [$/gal] [$/gal] Steris Prolystica Lubricant [$/gal]33.00 [$/gal]
S UPER N OVA – C OST P ER U SE A NALYSIS - S CENARIO Customers says Brand X “EZenzyme” costs only $75/bottle. Case Medical equivalent solution costs $400/case.
S UPER N OVA – C OST P ER U SE A NALYSIS - S CENARIO Questions to ask: Bottle units (gallons, liters)? Concentrated product? Diluted gallons out of 1 gallon of concentrate (1:1280, 1:512 or maybe 1:100)? Compare price per concentrated gallon. Compare price per diluted gallon. Compare price per use.
D ILUTION R ATE C ALCULATION SuperNova.25 concentration = ¼ [oz./gal.] ¼ oz. of Case Medical product per gal. of water 1 gal = 128 oz. ¼ : 128 [oz./oz.] = 1:512 SuperNova.1 concentration = 1/10 ounce per gallon 1/10:128[oz./oz.] = 1:1280
R EMEMBER SuperNova was validated at the dilution rate identified by the product name on the label, but it can go lower depending on water quality and degree of soil and in automated washers.
S UPER C ONCENTRATED P RODUCTS Contribute to major cost savings. The SuperNova.1 can be further diluted to 1/40 oz/gal depending on water quality. Validated, safe, cost effective products results in better patient outcome and frees staff for needed patient care. SuperNova results in significant cost and labor savings, reduced storage/inventory expense, freeing funds for needed patient care.
S ALES S TRATEGY When to introduce the cleaners? How to introduce the cleaners? Questions to ask your potential customer.
Q UESTIONS TO A SK What cleaners do you currently use for reprocessing surgical devices? Are you completely satisfied with your instrument cleaners? What do you like about your current product? If you could change anything about your instrument chemistries, what would it be? Do you know how much you’re paying for your cleaners? Do you know how much the cleaner costs per cycle in your sink or automated washer? Do you know what the current dilution rate is of the product used? Would you be interested in a product that is super concentrated? Do you know if your cleaners have been validated in independent laboratories or cleared by the EPA for DfE? If I could show you how to save money, time, energy, and labor utilizing an environmentally friendly, pH neutral, validated instrument cleaner would you be open to an evaluation or trial?
C OST S AVINGS Case Medical’s instrument cleaners are super concentrated which provides the user with a significant cost savings over the competition. Each bottle of SuperNova provides up to 1,000 uses and costs pennies on the dollar. Multiple enzymes in higher concentrations provide rapid soil breakdown at use dilutions. Up to a million times quicker than soap and water. Copy right 2009 © Case Medi cal Inc.
S AVINGS O VER THE O THER B RAND Avoid numerous unnecessary cleaners and steps Totally pH neutral means no corrosion Water-soluble liquid detergents means no residue Lowest cost when compared at use dilution means more bang for the buck Highest level of synergistic enzymes to speed up the cleaning process Super concentrated saves on shipping costs, inventory space and large drum disposal. Sealed system prevents cross contamination and spoilage.
S ELL V ALUE Cost versus price. Demonstrate with Cost Benefit Analysis data. Sell the value. Sell standardization. Sell validated products. Others may be concentrated, but have less enzymes. Most are less concentrated or never tested. The Steris Prolystica lube is mineral oil. Not allowed. Offer environmentally preferred, sustainable cleaners and truly durable, reusable containers.
W E HAVE GPO CONTRACTS Premier ASCEND sole source Standardization dual source NOVAPLUS Private Label MedAsset and VA/FSS/Gov HealthTrust pending
Demonstrate savings Focus on Standardization Provide products that are safe and effective Comply with new regulations Develop new products And when you are ready, we can assist you with assessment and installation services H OW W E C AN H ELP
F INAL N OTES AND Q&A Additions to the Employee Portal Sample Request & Product Evaluation Forms Statement of Understandings Case Solutions Installation Check List Product Complaint Form (send to Lesley) Customization Information Extension List