Welcome to ESL, 1/4/12 Warm Up: – Pick up ESL notebook – Pick up ESL textbook – Complete this writing warm up on your next blank page: “One thing I have discovered about history this year in school is _______________________.” “It is important to study history because _______________________________________.”
I can statement/agenda Today, 1/4, I can… Know: Use time words to identify opportunities for sequence note taking. Do: Create a note taking timeline. Agenda 1.Writing warm up (5 minutes) 2.Review sequence note taking (10 minutes) 3.Silent reading/sequence note taking practice (20 minutes) 4.Share out our work (15 minutes)
Sequence Note Taking Sequence: the order that something happens in Time words (when I see these I know I should take sequential notes) – First - After – Next - Soon – Then- Quickly – Finally- At last – Before- Now
Welcome to Language Arts Wednesday, January 4 Please grab all 3 notebooks (seat change) You will need your independent reading book. Warm-up: – Select a new materials manager for your table – Review the role of materials manager (what job does he/she do?)
I can statement/agenda Today, 1/4/12, I can… Know: develop a claim about a character using quick note evidence. Do: track character changes through quick notes. Agenda: 1.Warm up/ new seats (5 minutes) 2.Mini lesson: Using quick notes to follow characters (10 minutes) 3.Independent practice/update readers notebooks (35 minutes)
Your Task: Reading to write Read your book and quick note about your character for 30 minutes – Should have at least 3 quick notes
Planner Read and log about your claim Clarification of quick note HW expectations: – Silent reading for 30 minutes – Minimum 1 quick note per day – No more than 5 per day *unless you find some really good stuff! – Comments on quick notes ½ page minimum
Welcome to Social Studies, 1/4/12 Materials Manager: Social Studies notebook Warm Up: 1. label the table of contents in your SS notebook: Class Meeting 1/4 2. label next blank page in SS notebook: Class Meeting 1/4 3. Turn and talk: Why is it important to reflect on our classroom community?
I can statement/agenda Today, 1/4, I can… Know: Reflect on opportunities to grow our classroom community. Do: Participate in small group discussion to develop ideas for our class community. Agenda: 1.Warm up (5 minutes) 2.Directions for class meeting (5 minutes) 3.Small group discussion (20 minutes) 4.Share out conclusions (15 minutes) 5.Clean up (5 minutes)
Class Meeting Please arrange chairs into a circle – I will give you a topic You will discuss this topic as a group – 1 scribe takes notes – 1 representative shares out 1-2 conclusions/changes