Cohesion policy – opportunities for low-carbon economy Photo credit: Kheng Guan Toh Dr. Gergana Miladinova European Commission - DG REGIO Team Leader 'Sustainable Growth' Unit G1 – Competence Centre 'Smart & Sustainable Growth'
Cohesion Policy Mission: Reduce disparities between Europe's regions strengthening economic, social and terrritorial cohesion Contribute to Europe's smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Aimed at better performance and impact: Thematic concentration of funds: 11 thematic objectives linked to key growth areas Ex-ante conditionalities and performance orientation Reinforced partnership Increased synergies between the funds and increased use of financial instruments
Regional Policy 3 1.Research & innovation 2.Information and communication technologies (ICT) 3.Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises 4.Shift towards a low-carbon economy 5.Climate change adaptation & risk management and prevention 6.Environmental protection & resource efficiency 7.Sustainable transport & removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures 8.Employment & support for labour mobility 9.Social inclusion & combating poverty 10. Education, skills & lifelong learning 11. Institutional capacity building & efficient public administration Smart Growth Sustainable Growth Inclusive Growth Translated into Fund-specific investment priorities 11 Thematic Objectives
Regional Policy Doubling of low-carbon economy investments
Regional Policy EMA Network of Energy and Managing Authorities and ENEA-MA Network of Environmental and Managing Authorities Smart Specialisation Platform, including on Energy Advisory platform for financial instruments: fi- compass Off-the-shelf financial instruments, including 'Renovation loan' Administrative capacity support Guidance documents, workshops RegioStars Awards and Regio OpenDays …… Support available
6 Many good examples: Boosting resource efficiency in SMEs North-West England business support scheme ‘Enworks’: set up in 2001, programme value of € 14.8 M with € 7.3 M ERDF Helped over 10,000 businesses with converting environmental pressures into competitive advantages: £122 million (€145m) in saved business costs or savings of €25,107 per business per year £223 million (€256m) sales contracts secured and retained More than 7,420 regional jobs created and safeguarded Beneficial for the environment, e.g. savings of: 681,000 tonnes of CO2 eq and 4.7 million m3 of water 3 million tonnes of materials 388,000 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill Winner of the 2013 'Regio Stars Awards'
Regional Policy Conclusion The new offers strongly reinforced opportunities for putting our economies into the low-carbon path All of us together need to work to seize these opportunities Governance is key: need for cross-cutting approaches and engagement of all stakeholders │ 7
Regional Policy More information Thematic Guidance on Cohesion Policy investments in the shift towards a low-carbon economy and Guidance on Financial Instruments in Cohesion Policy : Financing the energy renovation of buildings with Cohesion Policy funding – Technical Guidance: renovation-of-buildings-with-cohesion-policy-funding Smart Specialisation Platform: Guide "Connecting Smart and Sustainable Growth through Smart Specialisation": Standard terms and conditions for financial instruments ('off the shelf'), including 'Renovation loan': Commission Staff Working Document – Financial Instruments in Cohesion Policy: Financial Instruments: A Stock-taking Exercise in Preparation for the Programming Period: stock-taking-exercise-in-preparation-for-the programming-period fi-compass advisory platform for financial instruments: Expert Evaluation Network reports on renewable energy and energy efficiency in housing: renewable-energies-and-energy-efficiency-of-housing Cohesion Policy Project Examples: Intelligent Energy Europe Projects: