The sun is one million three hundred and ninety two thousand Kilo metre in diameter. It twenty eight larger then the Earth and the gravity is one million times stronger then Earth. It takes twenty eight earth day to rotate once. On the sun, is a super-heated gas called corona. It is two million degree Celsius. The sun is 4.6 billion years old. The sun make sunlight by burning 4 million tonnes of fuel every second.
The moon was created by a planet called Theia hitting the Earth, rocks broke off and shot into space, the rocks were held in the orbit by Earth’s gravity. These rocks formed into the moon. What look like the moon sea are actual dark patch of melted rocks. There is no air, no weather and no life on the moon. Huge city like London, could fit into some crater. The moon does not gave any light, we can only see it because the sun shine on it. The moon takes 27 Earth days to rotate once and to go around the earth once. The moon was known as “Luna” by the Romans. The first space craft to visit the moon was the Luna 2 in 1959.
The nearest star to Earth is the Sun, which is 150 million KM When you look at a star, you are looking at the past, because the light from the star takes a long time to reach us. The hottest and brightest stars are blue. Red star are cooler and dimmer. If they are bigger then the sun, they are called giants, the biggest are called super giant, “Rigel” is a 100 times bigger thenb the our sun. The sun is called a yellow dwarf.