Creation care “The earth is the LORD’s and everything in it.” (Psalm 24: 1)
Climate change Over the last 40 years, the earth has been warming, mostly due to increased emissions of CO 2 from burning fossil fuels Seven thousand million tonnes of CO 2 are emitted globally per annum A warmer earth leads to a changing climate
Climate change Consequences of a warmer earth: Melting arctic sea ice Melting glaciers Rising sea levels and flooding Drought Spread of disease Species extinction
Climate change Consequences of a warmer earth: Desertification Declining crop yields, malnutrition, hunger Conflict Refugees
Climate change Who suffers with climate change? “The impacts are inequitable: poor countries will be hit hardest and earliest, when it is the rich countries who are responsible for three- quarters of greenhouse gases currently in the atmosphere.” (The Stern Review, 2006)
Creation care and mission Why should Christians care? The earth belongs to God – he loves and cares for it People are already suffering through the effects of the changing climate “When Christians take the earth seriously, people take the gospel seriously.” (Rob Frost)
BMS and the environment Green solutions BMS long-term workers, Daveen and Mike Wilson have set up a bee- keeping project in Trapiá, Brazil, to help improve income in the local community and to care for God’s creation.
Living locally, thinking globally “If every UK household installed three energy-efficient light bulbs, the electricity saved in a year could power all the streetlights in the UK.” (Energy Efficient Partnership for Homes, 2007)
Take action Save energy Don’t leave appliances on stand-by Turn down the temperature of your house Campaign Join the i count campaign Care for God’s creation!
Useful websites Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change A Rocha Living Lightly 24:1 Stop Climate chaos
Reflection “How many are your works, O LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD rejoice in his works – he who looks at the earth, and it trembles, who touches the mountains, and they smoke.” (Ps 104: 24, 31-32)