Working Group Results Kirk LaGory North Aleutian Basin Information Status and Research Planning Meeting Minerals Management Service Anchorage, Alaska November 28—December 1, 2006
2 What Happened? Started with worksheets to frame discussion and guide development of study profiles Approaches evolved to meet needs (and temperament) of the group Study profiles emerged from each group –Oceanography and ecosystems: 9 –Fish and fisheries: 12 –Birds: 8 –Marine mammals: 9 –Subsistence: 2
3 Types of Studies Identified Studies of distribution and status Seasonal movement patterns Habitat assessments and characterization Collection of data for model parameterization and refinement Synthesis of existing data Concerns about resources on the Gulf of Alaska side of the Alaska Peninsula deferred or identified as lower priority (for now)
4 When Evaluating Working Group Reports... Look for overlap and opportunities to avoid redundancy Look for topics missed Consider timing of studies and which studies need to begin now to provide information for near-term activities
5 When Evaluating Working Group Reports... Look for opportunities to integrate among disciplines –Collect same data (e.g., physical measurements) –Coordinate sampling locations –Coordinate logistics and sampling campaigns Look for opportunities to coordinate with the activities of other agencies Chance for MMS as the potential funding agency to ask questions about the recommended studies
7 Opportunities for Integration Oceanographic and ecosystem studies providing basic information for species studies Circulation and met models serve as foundation for effects assessments Benthic and sediment studies? Fish surveys as input to bird and mammal studies Fish, bird, and marine mammals studies as input to subsistence Lagoon systems model to integrate other disciplines Nearshore studies identified by ecosystems, fish, and bird groups Fish seismic survey analysis: add marine mammal component? Sea lion distribution/diet study and seasonal use study? Coordinate aerial surveys of walrus and sea lion distribution?
8 Studies Identified as Near-Term Need Oceanography and Ecosystems –Physical oceanography observations –Sediment study –Benthic study –Intertidal community study –Eelgrass community –Sea-ice edge? Fish and Fisheries –Evaluation of existing data on space-use conflicts between fisheries and oil and gas development –Evaluation of historic seismic surveys and CPUE data –Nearshore fish communities –Epipelagic fish studies –Pelagic plankton surveys
9 Birds –Steller’s eider spatial and temporal distribution –Pelagic birds spatial and temporal distribution –Seabird colony census in NAB –Pelagic bird movements to evaluate attraction to platform lights and potential for bird strikes Marine mammals –Distribution and abundance of right whales (07) –Seasonal acoustic monitoring of right whales (07) –Abundance and distribution of other cetaceans (08) –Health assessment of stranded marine mammals (08) –Steller sea lion seasonal distribution and diet (08) –Steller sea lion seasonal habitat use (08) –Seasonal distribution and abundance of walrus (08) Studies Identified as Near-Term Need (Continued)
10 Socioeconomics and subsistence –Socioeconomics survey –Subsistence survey Studies Identified as Near-Term Need (Continued)
11 Next Steps (for Argonne) Meeting materials available electronically Draft meeting summary report to be provided to MMS for review –Description of process –Synthesis of presentations –Working group summaries –Study profiles Final meeting summary to be provided to registered meeting participants