US interests, submitted proposals & potential submissions Meng Zhou, Peter Wiebe, Ken Buesseler, Jon Hare
General topics: 3 spatial scales Transatlantic field work, retrospective studies, and modeling will focus on gyres, fronts, and mixing; nutrients and trace metals; productivity and export of organic materials; plankton and fish population connectivity trophic dynamics, and community structure US northeast regional field and model studies will focus on shelf and slope currents and eddies, nutrient dynamics, plankton and fish populations and biodiversity Meso- and submeso-scale process studies will focus on spatial and temporal variation of coupled physical- biogeochemical-biological processes
The white lines and ellipses represent EU funded transatlantic cruises, regional study areas and meso- and submeso-scale studies; the red circled areas and lines represent CAN ongoing regional programs; the yellow ellipse and lines represent US envisioned transatlantic cruises, regional study areas and meso- and submeso- scale study sites; and light blue lines represent proposed US Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program. Envisioned and funded field BASIN study sites in the North Atlantic Ocean:
Submitted proposals (Submitted on Aug ) Bucklin, et al.: Transcriptomic Responses to Climate-Related Stressors in Calanus finmarchicus Zhou, et al.: North Atlantic Bloom ans Iron Study (NABIS) Potential proposals (Feb and Aug 2012) Transatlantic cruises: Spatial gradients of nutrient, trace metals and plankton community structures and seasonal variability across the subpolar gyre and shelf seas Closing the Subpolar Gyre - to instrument the Icelandic freighters to monitor currents and fluxes Modeling of 60 years of the basin-scale Arctic-Atlantic hydro- biogeochemical state Variability of growth, reproduction and life cycles of ecologically and commercially important zooplankton-fish species
Potential proposals (Continued) Mesoscale physical processes leading to cross-shelf slope exchange of nutrients, biomass and populations Spatial/Temporal Variability in the Slope Sea: long-term moorings (upper 300m at meter off Hudson Canyon, the Pioneer Array and Browns Bank) Foodweb dynamics at shelf break and slope – coupling with physical and lower-higher trophic levels Warming vs Freshening: Pattern and pathways of climate impacts on Northwest Atlantic shelf phytoplankton dynamics
Transatlantic cruises: Spatial gradients of nutrient, trace metals and plankton community structures and seasonal variability across the subpolar gyre and shelf seas Potential participation in EU cruises: Physical processes: Meng Zhou Biogeochemistry: Chris Measures (trace metals), Matt Charette (isotopes) Phytoplankton: (Southampton group is covering us!) Microbes: Karen Selph, Meng Zhou (size spectra), Mesozoop/micronekton: Gareth Lawson/Peter Wiebe Midwater fish: Tracey Sutton Genetics: Ann Bucklin