Projectile Motion ?v=-uUsUaPJUc0
2 Projectile motion Vertical motion is affected by gravity – Horizontal motion is affected by friction – Vertical component Horizontal component it is continually decreasing which can be negligible
3 Variations in vertical and horizontal components This causes the observed parabolic flight and affects the motion components as follows:
4 Projectile motion Factors affecting distance travelled: Speed of release Height of release Angle of release
The optimum angle of release a a projectile depends upon the relative heights of release and landing RH = LH optimum angle is 45 deg RH > LH optimum angle is less than 45 deg RH < LH optimum angle is greater then 45 degrees Examples of these?
Flight Paths Parabolic Air resistance negligible follows parabolic or symmetrical flight path Distorted Air resistance is great, projectile veers away from normal flight path to asymmetrical or distorted flight path Sporting examples?
7 Impulse Measured during – force platforms on track Displayed as Force x time sprinting Force x time graph
8 time force negative positive Impulse = force x time shown as area under graph
9 Impulse is mainly concerned with Involves Two parts single events – a footfall horizontal forces only to a footfall landing – negative horizontal forces Push-off – positive horizontal forces
10 Typically time force neg pos Landing - negative impulse Push-off - positive impulse Net impulse is difference between positive and negative impulses
11 Typically time force neg pos Small negative impulse Large positive impulse Net impulse is positive – performer is accelerating
12 Typically time force neg pos Large negative impulse Small positive impulse Net impulse is negative – performer is decelerating