Research Efforts on Improving Neonatal Survival Background: SERP6-12% Born Dead 5-15% Death Loss B-W NSIP National Flock Management Summary 6000 Ewes - 92 flocks LB LW% Survival Mature Ewes % Ewe Lambs % Iowa NSIP Mature Ewes % Ewe Lambs %
In Summary We are losing 15-30% of our production potential lambs per ewe after lambing fetus per ewe in early gestation ISWPB
Evaluation of Common Shepherd Practices Vitamin ADE Vitamin B Complex Strong Lamb Lamb & Kid Kare Probiotics
Youngs & Hummel ISU Teaching Farm 1990 & 1991 Twin Lambs -one treated 1/2 cc Injacom one control Injacom 50,000 IU A 5,000 IU D 10 IU E Survival averaged 90% Preweaning gain not affected No response on Survival
Vitamin B Complex Morrical & McClain Crossbred Lambs Treated Lambs Received -3 cc B-Complex at birth and 3 weeks of age
B-Complex Results Birth Wt.21 day WtWWSurvival C % T % 4 Actually died 10 were pulled for AR
Influence of Subclinical Mastitis Ahmad, Timms and Morrical McNay Research Farm 4-Corner Polypay and ISU Teaching Farm Ewes and 392 Halves Sampled at Birth and Weaning LambingWeaning No. Infected25%22% No. Halves Infected17%14%
McNay only LambingWeaning No. Infected25%15% No. Halves17%8% No. Infected13%16% Halves9%9% Coagulase Negative Staph-90% of infections
Impact of Infection on Lamb Performance Uninfected a.68 Infected b Uninfected.71 Infected at W.66 Infected at L.58 Infected at L & W.54
Control of Subclinical Mastitis Treated at Weaning and Resampled 60 days postweaning Treatments - Dry Cow Infusion Cefa-Dri 1/2 tube per half -5 ml Benzathine Penicillin Results Trt.Cont.Trt.Cont. Infected Cured6 (67%)5 (33%)18 (90%)7 (47%) Did not prevent new infections at next lambing
Summary Subclinical Mastitis 50% of infections occur postweaning 50% of infections occur prelambing Dry cow and injectable are equally effective
Late Gestation Nutrition Ewes fed by fetal number Diets ranged from 3.5 hay and 1 lb. corn to 4.0 hay and 3 lb. corn
Birth Weight from Ewes Fed Varying Levels of Energy TDNSingleTwinTriplet Singles Twins Triplets Note these are raw means
1992 Lamb Survival Work Winter Lambing Ewes and Offspring Randomly allocated within 24 hrs of age Treatments Lamb and Kid Kare Fastrack Probiotic Paste McNay Sheep Flock Dan Morrical and Arnold McClain
Results Trial 1 - Naturally Reared Lambs ControlLKKFT N ADG B-W Deaths111 Orphaned101 No effect on Performance or Survival
Trial 2 - Orphan Reared ControlLKKFT N666 ADG ADG Deaths000
Conclusion to All Previous Work Post Lambing Treatments were not successful in increasing lamb survival Current work - Youngs et al. - ISU Teaching Evaluation of Vitamin A & E on OR, Embryo and Fetal Survival Morrical et al.
Vitamin A & E Teaching Important observations a single injection of E maintains serum E levels for 6 days younger ewes have higher embryo losses Vitamin A may increase OR
Vitamin E injections and lamb survival Protocol2 X 2 factorial 1994 & 1995 Ewes during late gestation 900 IU or 0 E per week 90 or 10 PPM Se mineral Ewes were fed by fetal number
Results of Vitamin E & Se No effect of mineral source on ADG or survival Vitamin E improved pre-weaning ADG 5-10% improved livability one year more important in multiples more important for young and old ewes
Current work Evaluating feeding Vitamin E in both late gestation and lactation Regional project with Indiana, Kentucky and Iowa
National Symposium on pre and post natal mortality Ames, IA late June 1997 Details later Sponsored by : ISWPB ISU NC 111 and CSRS