Definition of Technology Technology Components Salient Features of Technology Classification of Technology Concept of Technology Management Nature of Technology Management Drivers of MOT Responding to Technology Challenge
Define technology and understand different technology types Explain the concept and significance of technology management Understand the challenges of technology changes and the way organization can respond to it
Management of Technology Organization Sustainable competitive advantage and long-term profitability Academic Institutions A new discipline
TECHNE The skills or craft needed to make something LOGES Discussion or knowledge of something The knowledge of how something is made “the knowledge, products, processes, tools, methods and systems employed in the creation of goods or in providing services” [ Tarek Khalil (2000) ]
Hardware Any physical product Software The knowledge of how to use the hardware in order to carry out the required tasks Brainware The reasons for using the technology in a particular way
Change Widespread Effects Self-reinforcing Complex Amoral
Technology NewEmergingHighMediumLowCodifiedTacit
Technology NewEmergingHighMediumLowCodifiedTacit Any newly introduced or implemented technology that has an explicit impact on the way a company produces products or provides services Classified as a new whenever introduced for the first time in a new situation Has a profound effect on improving productivity and maintaining a competitive business enterprise Example : New computer software introduced to develop engineering drawing and thus replace manual drafting
Technology NewEmergingHighMediumLowCodifiedTacit Any technology that is not yet fully commercialized but will become so within a few years It may be currently in limited use but is expected to evolve significantly Create new industries and may make existing ones obsolete Have the potential of triggering large changes in institutions and in society itself
Technology NewEmergingHighMediumLowCodifiedTacit Refers to advanced or sophisticated technologies Wide set of technologies that fall between high and low technologies Technologies that have permeated large segments of human society
Technology NewEmergingHighMediumLowCodifiedTacit Non articulated knowledge – no uniformity in the way it is presented or expressed to a large group of people Based on experiences where the technology developers are the ones who have the know-how in question Transmitted by demonstration or observation, followed by assimilation by those who seek the knowledge Occurs by close contact and interaction between the source and the host Transferring process is harder, less precise and more time-consuming
Technology NewEmergingHighMediumLowCodifiedTacit Technology can be preserved & effectively transferred among users if it is expressed in a coded form Allow people to know how technology works but not necessarily why it works in a certain way Example : Engineering drawing – expressing shape, dimension and tolerances about a product
“An interdisciplinary field concerned with the planning, development and implementation of technological capabilities to shape and accomplish the operational and strategic objectives of an organization” Management of Technology [National Research Council Report (1987)]
It is a Process Planning Development Implementation / Commercialization It is Goal Oriented Satisfying human needs Improving the competitive advantage and profitability of enterprise It is an Interdisciplinary Mix It is a System It Involves Risk It is Socially Beneficial It is Evolutionary
Change in Technology Change in Scope Change in Competition Change in Asset Valuation Change in Focus for National Competitiveness Change in Emphasis on Knowledge Management
Shared ValuesStrategyStructureSystems SkillsStaffStyle
Technology consists of 3 interdependent components. Technology can be classified as new, emerging, high, medium, low, tacit and codified. Technology management is a process, goal oriented system and interdisciplinary mix. It is evolutionary in nature. Technology management is an engine of economic growth and improves quality of life of people in society. 18