1 Word Objective 3: Applying Page Layout and Reusable Content Microsoft Office Specialist 2010 Certification Prep Story/Walls
MOS 2010 Word Objective 32 Format Pages Ribbon, Mouse, and Shortcut Methods: Set margins Insert nonbreaking spaces Add hyphenation Add columns Change column width and spacing 2
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 33 Format Pages (cont) Ribbon, Mouse, and Shortcut Methods (cont): Set page orientation Set paper size Force a page break Remove a page break Insert a section break 3
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 34 Format Pages (cont) Ribbon, Mouse, and Shortcut Methods (cont): Remove a section break Insert a blank page 4
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 35 Apply Themes Ribbon Methods: Use a theme to apply formatting Customize theme effects Customize theme fonts Customize theme colors 5
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 36 Construct Content Using Quick Parts Ribbon Methods: Insert pull quotes Insert a text box Insert a header Insert a footer Insert a cover page Insert a watermark Insert equations 6
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 37 Create and Manipulate Page Backgrounds Ribbon Methods: Format a document’s background Set a colored background Add a custom watermark Set page borders 7
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 38 Create and Modify Headers and Footers Ribbon and Shortcut Methods: Insert page numbers Format page numbers Insert the current date and time Insert a built-in header or footer 8
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 39 Create and Modify Headers and Footers (cont) Ribbon and Shortcut Methods (cont): Add content to a header or footer Delete a header or footer Change the margins of a header or footer Apply a different first page attribute 9