Northern San Joaquin Valley, Mixed Agriculture & Dairy Farms Plus Salinas Valley, Silicon Valley, Oakland and Flow through Carquinez Strait into Central Valley Estimated time ~ 7:42 hrs If flight over Oakland Airport (Pt. 9) is NO GO, proceed from Pt. 8 Moffett to Pt. 12 Optional: On leg from Pt. 19 to Pt. 20 overfly dairy farm with NOAA ARL NH3 ground site ( , ) On leg Pt. 19 to Pt. 20 or Pt. 20 to Pt. 21 include circle around Fiscalini dairy farm ( , ) (with CH4 digester and generator) Include circle at Pt. 32 around Double Diamond dairy ( , ), (~10000 animals) If marine stratus clouds are present off shore near Monterey include cloud module (<= 1 hr including transit to and from clouds) Shorten remainder of the flight by transit from Pt. 5 to Pt. 15, en-route descent to Pt. 15 to ft AGL (time saving: 33 min) & return directly from Pt. 33 Mono Lake to Ontario at max altitude (time saving > 10 min, gain time by increased ground speed at altitude) SJVN_25km_Oak