Accountable Communities of Health April 29 th, 2015 Kittitas Board of Health
Change is coming – Why? 2
SB Treating the Whole Person – Integration of purchasing by 2020 – Creates behavioral health organizations – Medicaid purchasing regionalized (2016) – Early adopter and outcome-based incentives Legislation 3
HB Better Health Care Purchasing – Establishes first ACH – Establishes statewide performance measures committee – Creates practice transformation hub – All payer claims database – Directs HCA to increase VBP contracting Legislation Cont. 4
ACH Purpose
7 Community Empowerment & Accountability Accountable Communities of Health (ACHs) will: Provide a multi-sector voice for delivery system reform, shared health improvement goals and regional purchasing strategies. Serve as a forum for regional collaborative decision-making to accelerate health system transformation, focusing on social determinants of health, clinical-community linkages, and whole person care. Accelerate physical and behavioral health care integration through financing and delivery system adjustments, starting with Medicaid.
A Forum for regional collaborative decision making
Regionalization 9
10 regions received up to $50,000 each from Washington 10 Awards for Communities of Health Planning State Health Care Innovation Plan
RSA – Regional Service Areas* 11 *Service area for Medicaid purchasing for physical and behavioral health care. Serve as a foundation for aligning state agencies’ along a “Health in all Policies” approach.
The state has requested $92 million from CMS to be spent between CY It estimates that implementation of the plan will save $1.05 B over the next 4 years. Actual Money Received =$64.9 million State – SIM Grant Money
2014 = $36k was awarded to the Benton-Franklin Community Health Alliance for the 6 County COH 2015 = $135k Greater Columbia ACH – $100k HCA, $10k Amerigroup (facilitator) +$25k GCBH RSN (in-kind) 2015 = PMH Medical Center - $100k HRSA Regional - ACH Planning Grants
Next Steps 16
Where We’re Going
Greater Columbia ACH Timeline Milestones 2015JanFebMarAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec Monthly meetings of Leadership Council Formalize stakeholder participation in Greater Columbia COH Meetings of Governing Board? Finalize Governance Structure Adopted 16 Member GB 2/19 1 more fm Healthcare Provider? BehavHealth/F QCH new Sector; Food Systems w/CBO/FBOs Develop/Finalize Vision/Mission Statement Adopted 3/19 Sectors Finalize Governing Board & Criteria; Role of GB & Leadership Council Public Health: Martha Lanman Hsg: R. Hauff Educat: L. Stahlnecker Philan: C. Greenwood Hosp: L Savitch osHoHH Retreat with LC & GB? Develop Communications Framework Working Groups begin developing Regional Health Improvement Plan (RHIP) and Community Outreach Plan Working Groups present RHIP/COP to Leadership Council & Governing Board for approval ? Working Committees finalize RHIP ? Determine Performance Measures, sustainability plan
Determine Governance Structure Determine Funding/Sustainability Determine Needs Determine Projects Current Plans for Greater Columbia ACH
Questions? 21
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