ARELLO 2009 Leadership Symposium Charlotte, North Carolina Member Orientation
CORE PURPOSE Connect/Assist/Educate Regulators Facilitate Cooperation Among Regulators Set Standards/Best Practice/Models Provide Leadership on Regulatory Issues Help Protect the Consumer Public
FULL MEMBERS Africa Asia Australia/New Zealand Canada Caribbean Europe United States
ARELLO Districts & 6
How is ARELLO Funded?
ARELLO’s Asset Protection Tools $2M General Liability Insurance –Colorado, Alabama, Co-location $1M Professional Liability Ins –Technology products Worker’s Compensation Ins 401k Fidelity Bond Employee Fidelity Bond
How is ARELLO Governed? Articles of Incorporation Bylaws –Membership categories –Districts –Officers and Directors –Elections Code of Parliamentary Procedure
The General Assembly One vote per jurisdiction Dues must be current Elect Directors and Officers Amend Bylaws – 20 days notice
Executive Committee President President-Elect Treasurer Immediate Past President Sr. District Vice President Acts in interim of BOD Evaluates CEO
The Board of Directors President, President-elect, Treasurer, Immediate PP District Vice Presidents Directors and Alternates
The Role of the Board of Directors Approve budget/establish fees Approve new full members Establish policy/procedure Strategic thinking/priorities/goals Recommend Bylaw amendments Attend all meetings/be prepared
The Role of the Board of Directors - continued Stay abreast of current industry/regulatory issues Share your area of expertise Work to develop new leadership Be an advocate for ARELLO Support the mission statement Serve on at least one committee
The Role of the Board - continued Protect organization from harm Maintain confidentiality, where required Ensure legal/ethical integrity Be positive and constructive Act at all times in best interest of ARELLO
District Vice Presidents Representative of all jurisdictions in the District Coordinate District Conference Conduct District Caucus – nominate DVP, Directors/Alternate Communicate with ARELLO EC and District members throughout the year Articulate ARELLO mission, goals, finances, conferences, programs
Directors and Alternates Provide leadership at conferences – mentor new members Liaisons to committees Be informed on association issues Ask questions Wear ARELLO hat during deliberations Advocate/support ARELLO programs
Workgroup Chairs and Vice Chairs Prepare agenda – items from last meeting from HQ Designate member to take “minutes” Report actions to ARELLO CEO Appear at Finance Cmte or BOD, as necessary Communicate with group interim of meetings Teleconference capabilities Surveys – combine with Digest
Meeting/Parliamentary Procedures Motion = statement in support/opposition Most motions require a second Amendments – friendly added/others voted on before main motion Individual names may be recorded “No” vote or abstention recorded Abstention for potential conflict of interest is not a No vote
2009 ARELLO Meetings Mid-Year April Grove Park Inn Asheville, NC District 4 conference the day prior (26 th ) Annual Conf October Miami Hyatt Miami, FL District 1 conference the day prior (21 st )
2009 ARELLO Meetings - continued Districts 2 & 3 conference June Louisville Marriott Louisville, KY Canadian Regulators Group (CRG) May Manteo Resort Kelowna, British Columbia Canada
Bibliography American Society of Association Executives and the Center for Association Leadership ( Board Source – Building Effective Nonprofit Boards ( National Association of Parliamentarians
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