Canadian Bureau for International Education A New Era in Membership Services OAIE Conference Waterloo, Ontario May 11, 2011
Established in 1966 as a non-government, not-for-profit association dedicated to the promotion of international education Comprises 155 colleges, universities, school boards, government agencies, provincial organizations, and businesses Governed by a 15-member Board of Directors: 8 elected by CBIE members and 7 appointed by the Board Engages in advocacy, promotion, research, public relations, international project/program development and administration, as well as an expanding range of services aimed at supporting international education practitioners Quick Facts
Membership Task Force Mandate To support the Board for the period of May 2010-May 2011 by developing a robust membership strategy through an inclusive and evidence-informed process.
Membership Task Force Bonnie Neuman (Chair), Vice President, Student Services, Dalhousie University (CBIE Board Member) William Cheaib, Director, Concordia International, Concordia University (CBIE Board Member) Karen Strang, International Services and Program Administrator, Nipissing University (CBIE Board Member) Anne-Marie Lemay, Responsable, Mobilité international, Cégep internationale Barry Keefe, Director, Recruiting and International Education, Saint Lawrence College (CBIE Board Member) Gilles Breton, Associate Vice-President Academic International and Director of the International Office, University of Ottawa
Vision Statement: Canada – a global leader in international education Mission Statement: CBIE is the national voice promoting Canadian international education on behalf of members by mobilizing expertise, knowledge, opportunity and leadership Strengthening our Foundations
CBIE’s vision is underpinned by a set of core values held in common with our member institutions, including quality, equity, inclusion and partnership and the following mission-specific values: Global-mindedness Sustainable Practice Innovative Action Entrepreneurial Spirit Informed Advocacy Values
Engagement Transparency Effectiveness Entrepreneurialism Cooperation Organizational Principles
CBIE’s Value Proposition can be summarized by four words, which represent that which CBIE should seek to catalyze in the field of international education, and that which CBIE should embody as an organization: “Expertise. Knowledge. Opportunity. Leadership.” These desired outcomes actually form a virtuous circle: they build upon and inform one another. To make these four pillars of outcomes come alive, the Membership Task Force has recommended that CBIE build its operational plan upon this value proposition. Value Proposition
In view of its value proposition, CBIE has redefined its membership structure, as well as the benefits and responsibilities of different levels of membership: Membership Structure Member Category Sub Category Canadian Educational Providers PartnersHonorary Institutional AssociateCorporate Individuals Govern- ment NationalProvincial Inter- national
CBIE will focus its member services on helping members to achieve common international education objectives shared across the spectrum of education, from school boards to universities. “Expertise. Knowledge. Opportunity. Leadership.” International Education Objectives Welcoming greater numbers of international students Ensuring international students’ academic success Enhancing Canadian students’ learning experience Creating an effective international/intercultural environment in institutions Engaging effectively with education institutions around the world Promoting international research collaboration Developing international education opportunities off-shore Enhancing capacity abroad through high-quality development projects and programs
Expertise Professional learning communities Annual conference Partnerships
Knowledge Flagship research Applied research Policy briefs and updates
Opportunity Canadian consortium for international education marketing Federal budget allocation Facilitating institutional partnerships, other initiatives
Leadership Advocacy and policy development National conference CBIE networks
CBIE Immigration Advisory Committee Members: -Pauline L’Ecuyer (McGill University) -Justin Kerr (Queen’s University) -Julian Riva (New Brunswick Community College) -Doug Weir (University of Alberta) -Michelle Suderman (University of British Columbia) -Jennifer Humphries (CBIE)
CBIE 45 th Annual Conference Ottawa, November 20-23
THANK YOU Contact Information: George Khoury Director, Membership and Public Relations Canadian Bureau for International Education 220 Laurier Ave. West, Suite 1550 Ottawa, ON K1P 5Z