Workshop 2 – Integrated development in cities, rural and specific regions ETMS Efrain Larrea, Mcrit (Spain) ESPON Internal Seminar 2013 “Territorial Evidence for Cohesion Policy and Territorial Agenda 2020”
2 Partners developing the ETMS MCRIT, Barcelona UAB. Autonomous University of Barcelona UNIGE. University of Geneva Nordregio, Stockholm GISAT, Prague
3 AIM To provide “a continuous monitoring of territorial trends and structures able to provide policy relevant information to target groups on key trends occurring for European regions, specific type of territories, metropolitan regions, cities and towns in relation to the policy aims and priorities of the Europe 2020 Strategy, EU Cohesion Policy and the TA 2020”. ETMS Project Specifications
From Policy Debates with a territorial dimension e.g. population ageing, growing disparities, migrations & depopulation, accessibility to services and jobs, land occupation / artificial land…. Analysis of Key Policy Documents (EU2020, TA, CSF...) and past ESPON research (INTERCO, SIESTA, …) Considering European Policy Targets in force e.g. EU2020 headline targets EC White Papers and Roadmaps Territorial Targets (ET2050?) EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets
ETMS Core Indicators 28 Compass Indicators - Data selection based on: - indicators can be reproduced along time - data availability - coherence with previous ESPON research - Data sources: - ESPON Database - Eurostat, National Statistics, EEA, WB… - ESPON forecast models -Data resolution: - NUTS0, NUTS2, NUTS3, LAU2 - Urban-rural, ERDF regions, EU Macro-regions, Territories with geographic specificities (mountain, SPA, …)… EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets
ETMS Core Indicators Facts & Figures Monitoring Report Data Analysis Tool ETMS Web Portal Facts and Figures Booklet Systematic presentation of indicator evolutions To be published every 6 months. 10 pages EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets
ETMS Core Indicators Facts & Figures Monitoring Report Data Analysis Tool ETMS Web Portal “State of the Territory” Monitoring Report To be published every 2 years. 50 pages In-depth analysis of key developments EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets
ETMS Core Indicators Facts & Figures Monitoring Report Data Analysis Tool ETMS Web Portal Data Analysis Tool EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets
ETMS Core Indicators Facts & Figures Monitoring Report Data Analysis Tool ETMS Web Portal EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets
ETMS Web Portal
Compass Indicators Facts & Figures Monitoring Report Data Analysis Tool ETMS Web Portal Virtual Library Territorial News Expert Opinions Existing relevant ESPON resources (e.g. policy briefs, reports…) EU Policy Debates EU Policy Targets Existing relevant ESPON Tools (e.g. Rimap, MapFinder, BSR-TEMO, CityBench…) Giving value to existing ESPON materials Non-ESPON materials
12 EU2020 PRIORITIESETMS THEMESETMS Indicator Rest of World NUTS0NUTS2NUTS3 LAU2 Urban-rural based on DG Regio Metropolitan Regions based on Eurostat Territorial Typology based on GEOSPECS ERDF objetive regions Macro-regions Sustainable Growth Economic Competitiveness GDP per capita in PPSxxxx xx xx GDP-PPS per person employedxxxx xx xx Employment per sector* xxxxxxxxx Total R&D expenditure as % of GDPxxx x xx Debtxx Balance of Accountsxx Environmental Qualities Share of RES in Final Energy Consumption xx x xx Air pollution: PM10 x x Degree of soil sealing x x Land use pattern* x x xx Indicators on the ETMS database Smart GrowthHuman Capital Population potential within 45 min xxxxxxx Net migration rate x xx xx Total population change xxxxxxxxx Birth rate xxx xx xx Old age dependency ratio xxxxxxxxx Share of aged with tertiary education atteinment xx x xx
13 Indicators on the ETMS database EU2020 PRIORITIESETMS THEMESETMS Indicator Rest of World NUTS0NUTS2NUTS3 LAU2 Urban-rural based on DG Regio Metropolitan Regions based on Eurostat Territorial Typology based on GEOSPECS ERDF objetive regions Macro-regions Inclusive GrowthSocial Inclusion Employment rate years xx x xx Total employment rate xxxxxxx Differences between female to male employment rates xx x xx Young unemployment rate xx x xx Elderly employment rate xx x xx Disposable household income xx x xx At-risk-of-poverty rate xx x xx Availability of Services & Functions Access to MUAs x xx Air connectivity (with 45 minutes drives) x xx Connectivity ICON xxxxxxx Households with broadband access x x xx Cooperation intensity (ETC) x x xx
14 ETMS: European Territorial Monitoring System Thank you for your attention Efrain Larrea