NACC Conference 2011 NACC Business Meeting Monday, May 23, :30-1:45 p.m.
Numbers by States 96 WI 59 IL 38 NY 29 OH 28 CA 21 MA 20 PA 19 IN, MN, MI 15 MO 13 TX 11 AZ, FL 9 LA, MD 7 VA 6 IA, WA 5 CO, CT, DC, NM 3 KS, KY, ND, NE, NH, OK, SD,TN 2 GA, RI, WV 1 AL, ME, MS, NJ, NV, OR, VT, WY, British Columbia, India 0 AK, DE, HI, ID, MT, NC, SC, UT
Numbers by Regions I – 33 (New Eng ) II – 28 (NY) III – 21 (PA, NJ) IV – 23 (WV, VA, MD, DE, DC) V – 17 (KY, TN, AL, MS, AR, LA) VI – 48 (MI, OH) VII – 174 (IN, IL, WI) VIII – 25 (MN, ND, SD) IX – 27 (IA, MO, NE, KS) X – 16 (OK, TX) XI – 29 (CA, NV, HI) XII – 7 (WA, OR, ID, MT, AK) XIII – 22 (WY, UT, CO, NM, AZ) XIV – 13 (NC, SC, GA, FL)
Outcomes Board leadership perspective Brief comments on NACC priorities Member exchange/feedback Summative comments Leave enthused, hopeful, committed
Agenda 12:30 p.m. Leadership Comments 12:35 p.m. Brief “state of affairs” 12:55 p.m. Member exchange 1:25 p.m.Member feedback 1:40 p.m.Summative comments 1:45 p.m.Adjourn
25 years! NACC Member NACC Board Certified Congratulations!
NACC Volunteer Leadership James Letourneau Chair Nominations Panel
Catholic Health Association Brian Yanofchick Senior Director, Mission and Leadership Development
Driver: NACC Mission What? Advocate for the profession of spiritual care Educate Certify Support Who? chaplains, clinical pastoral educators, and all members to continue the healing ministry of Jesus in the name of the Church
Direction: Strategic Plan What does NACC look like in 2012? Vision language – Light of Hope Persistently advocating for those dedicated to spiritual care
GOAL V To engage strategic partners in collaborative work to live out our mission GOAL III To strengthen the NACC’s relationships within the Catholic Church GOAL IV To foster growth and unity within diversity in NACC GOAL II To promote the profession of Chaplaincy GOAL I To support Association members with creative educational, spiritual, and communication opportunities GOAL VI To create a financially strong and mission-focused organization GOAL VII To enhance board and staff effectiveness STRATEGIC GOALS
Board Priorities Strategic 1. Financial Health 2. Membership Growth 3. Catholic Relations Process 1. Collaboration 2. Subsidiarity
Financial Health RevenueExpense 2006$877,568$899,585 (- $12,017) Invest. +$ 43, $855,955$969,462 (-$114,507) Invest. +$ 25, $812, 983$959,897 (-$146,914) Invest. - $100, $1,010,482$863,839 (+$146,643) Invest. +$ 71, $975,630$849,965 (+$125,665) Invest. +$ 50,688
Membership Growth Trends YearMembers Net Decrease (from 2005) (Sept.) (Sept.) (Sept.) (Apr.) (8 months)
Membership Growth Profile AvAg 2011 AvAg Religious Women (-417) 70 Priests ( -69) 59 Lay women ( -25) 62 Lay men (+34) 57 Deacons ( -14) 68 Brothers ( -11) 64
Membership Growth lay men and women +507 nearly doubled (557 to 1061) lay men and women +133
Membership Growth Since September 2009 Net change in member numbers Lay men + 25 Lay women + 4 Religious women -111 Priests - 37 Deacons - 18
Membership Growth Age Profile – January and older135
Membership Growth Who is joining NACC? 12/10-5/11 77 new members 37 members 29 students 7 associates 2 volunteers 2 Vision
Membership Growth Who is joining NACC? 12/10-5/11 34 Laywomen 18 Laymen 16 Priests 4 Deacons 4 Rel. Women 1 Brother Age-level – – – – – – 3 (6 not given)
Catholic Relations Episcopal Advisory Council Archbishop Paul Coakley Letter to Bishops Catholic Ministry Associations Collegeville Summit on Lay Ecclesial Ministry Catholic Health Association
2012 and beyond? Strategic Planning What has changed since 2006? Nation? Local? Health care? Church? Associations? SCC?
2012 and beyond? What do we think about our: Mission, Vision, Values What should be our focus, priorities?
Member Exchange 1. What will be the ministry’s/profession’s main challenges/opportunities? 2. How can NACC help meet those challenges (e.g., education resources, advocacy, collaborative efforts), and what should be NACC’s primary direction/focus?
Member Feedback
Final Comments
Thank you to all! NACC Conference 2011