WIE (Women in Engineering) is dedicated to important issues for Women Engineers Carole Carey IEEE Region 2 Meeting Philadelphia, PA February 2003
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 WIE Scopes of Interest l Gather and disseminate information regarding the status of women and initiatives for, by and on behalf of women in engineering and science. l Enable mentoring and education programs within IEEE and make available information regarding gender related educational issues which may improve the entry into, and the retention of women in engineering programs.
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 WIE Scopes of Interest (cont’d) l Increase the participation of women within IEEE. l Address ways to improve the climate for women in IEEE and the workplace.
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 WIE Committee (WIEC) l IEEE Bylaw I l Standing Committee of, and reports to, the IEEE Board of Directors. l Members: 8 appointed by BOD including 1 student (non-voting) member. l 3 USA, 2 Spain, 1 Sweden, 1 Bolivia, 1 Colombia (S)
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 Membership Bylaw I-107, establish IEEE WIE membership organizational unit. l Open to any member of IEEE l Requires payment of WIE dues ($25) l Waived for Life Members and students.
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 Board Liaisons l EAB l IEEE – USA l PSPB l RAB l TAB l AWARDS
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 About WIE Activities l RECOGNIZES women's outstanding achievements in electrical and electronics engineering through IEEE Awards nominationsIEEE Awards l ORGANIZES receptions at major technical conferences to enhance networking and to promote membership in WIE l PROMOTES IEEE Member Grade advancement for women to the grades of Senior Member and Fellow
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 About WIE Activities (cont’d) l ADVOCATES women in leadership roles in IEEE governance l PROVIDES assistance with the formation of new WIE Affinity Groups and supports ongoing activitiesWIE Affinity Groups l ADMINISTERS the IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program to mentor young women in junior and high schoolsSTAR
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 Regional Coordinators l Region 1 l Region 2 * CCC l Region 3 l Region 4 l Region 5 l Region 6 l Region 7 l Region 8 l Region 9 l Region 10
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 World Regional Map
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 WIE Subcommittee l Awards: l Chapters: l Memberships:
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 Affinity Group (AG) l Affinity groups provide the opportunity for members to network at a local level. Two Types l Affinity Group for members l Student Branch Affinity Group for students (need Faculty Advisor)
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 Benefits of AG l * Section Rebate l Postings WIE Newsletter and WIE website. l Borrow WIE Forum videotape for affinity group meetings. l Free WIE membership promotional items for affinity group meetings and events l Free website hosting l WIE Affinity Group Funding - $200 startup
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 Affinity Groups l Region 1 - Mid Hudson l *Region 2 – Washington Area (DC. Balto, NoVa) l Region 3 – Eastern North Carolina l Region 4 – Chicago (in progress) l Region 5 – Central Texas, South Plains l Region 6 – Coastal Los Angeles l Region 7 – Univ of British Columbia l Region 8 – Spain, Switzerland l Region 9 – Colombia (SB) l Region 10 – Kerala
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 Forming an Affinity Group l Recruit six IEEE members (founding AG) l Need someone to be responsible for the AG until the first meeting is held and the Officers are formally appointed l Need your Section's Chief Officer approval. l After that, you must keep a certain level of activity (at least two activities per year, and a roster of the members.
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February 2003 URL’S l Affinity Group: l Web hosting: l Newsletter: l STAR: l Request funding ( $200 subsidy)
Public correspondence: Questions, IEEE WIE Admin:
IEEE Region 2 Meeting February Items for R2 Priorities l Improve the image of Engineers. l Support more Member Professional Development Conferences (MPACs). l Expand formation of Affinity Groups (WIE, GOLD). Thank you!