1 The CollaborationProject.org & Semanticommunity.net Brand Niemann, Senior Enterprise Architect, US EPA and & Semanticommunity.net Leader March 6, 2008, Updated March 14, 2008
2 CollaborationProject.org
3 CollaborationProject.org February 19th launch of the National Academy’s Collaboration Project: –Over 50 government leaders attended, representing more than fifteen federal agencies, GAO, OMB, and the Hill, as well as several of the Academy’s distinguished Fellows. Offer you a 30-day free-trial of this “members only” site. We’re already busy signing up members and planning future Collaboration Project activities. Source: March 5, 2008, Lena E. Trudeau, Program Area Director, Strategic Initiatives, National Academy of Public Administration.
4 CollaborationProject.org The site, developed in partnership with New Paradigm (the think-tank of Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams, co-authors of Wikinomics), contains valuable resources, such as: –Case Library—a repository of examples where web 2.0 has been implemented to solve problems in the public sector; –Content Library—including research materials, articles and the wikinomics blog; and –Member Forum—where the community can come together to share your views on important issues related to web 2.0.
5 Semanticommunity.net
6 Semanticommunity.net
7 Semanticommunity.net The Semantic Communities have used various pieces of infrastructure to support their activities and now we have the opportunity to move forward to make these pieces more versatile and widely available to support the multiple piloting activities of Please see the tutorial slides and follow the new paradigm of "reduce, reuse, and recycle". For example, it is said 'that Wikis are a victim of their own success and their contents become difficult to navigate and find', so this is an opportunity to refine existing Wiki content and build new Wiki content that is more effectively organized instead of just copying existing Wiki content to this new space.tutorial slides
8 Semanticommunity.net Theme: Our Space - Connecting Web 2.0, Enterprise Mashups, SOA, & the Semantic Web for Government 2.0 (Making It Easier to Do!). See February 5, 2008, SICoP Special Conference 4, CSC Executive Briefing Center, Falls Church, VA. See Context is Everything, Government Computer News (February 18, 2008).SICoP Special Conference 4 Context is Everything Also see Improved Access to EPA Information: Before and After with Web 2.0: Part 1 (Part 2 in process) for the Collaboration Technology Community of Practice Inaugural Meeting, February 19, 2008, National Academy of Public Administration, Washington, DC.Part 1
9 Semanticommunity.net See: –Government Computer News 25th Anniversary Issue (December 10, 2007) Social networking and the Medici Effect: CSC (December 18, 2007) The SICoP Experience.Social networking and the Medici EffectThe SICoP Experience –Government Computer News (January 7, 2008) Blog: Speaking the same language and GridToday (January 8, 2008) Breaking News on NCOIC Explores Utility Computing, Grid, Virtualization.Speaking the same language GridTodayBreaking News on NCOIC Explores Utility Computing, Grid, Virtualization Also supports the National Academy of Public Administration's "Speed, Agility, Reach, and Efficiency" (December 19, 2007) and Don Tapscott's Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (May 6-8, 2007).Speed, Agility, Reach, and EfficiencyWikinomicsMay 6-8, 2007
10 Matrix FeatureCollaboration Project.org Semanticommu nity.net CostAgency sponsors so can be free to all. Free EventsBy invitation – open to all in future. Open to all ContentNew ParadigmCommunities of Practice (CoPs) ApproachTop downBottom up FocusCollaborationWork of CoPs InfrastructureConfluence WikiDeki Wiki Based on discussions with NAPA Staff (Lena Trudeau and Frank DiGiammarino).