Kuali Rice eDocLite UC Davis, Information & Educational Technology
Agenda 1.Overview 2.Step through an sample eDocLite 3.Look through some of the code behind the sample eDocLite
Overview 1.eDocLite allows quick document building and integration with workflow using only XML 2.Is a component of Kuali Enterprise Workflow 3.Runs on the central Rice servers. 4.Providing access to eDocLite forms is as easy as URL 5.Development team will work on a style/skin to match the UC Davis web template 6.All Documents are searchable on the Rice servers.
eDocLite in Action
Requester searches for the relevant Document and initiates a request.
Requester fills out the form and clicks “route”. This initiates the workflow. Based on some rules, the workflow routes the Document to the next appropriate responsible party.
The Document lands in the Action List of someone who is a member of a group who has approval responsibility. The current status of the Document is ENROUTE. This Approver opens Document 2220.
The Approver inspects the Document. After finding that the information in the form is acceptable, the Approver clicks “approve”. This Document moves forward in the workflow.
The Document lands back in the Action List of the Requester. The current status of the Document is PROCESSED. At this stage, we’re asking the Requester to acknowledge that the request has been fulfilled.
The Requester clicks “acknowledge”. The workflow is thus finished. The status of the Document is now FINAL.
We can view the routing log of each Document.
eDocLite Behind the Scenes
Parent Document RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.ParentDocType eDocLite Parent Document Type Request Firewall Change eDocLite Parent Document Type NONE ${workflow.url}/EDocLite true 2 A Document Type that has attributes that are to be inherited by all associated Child Document Types.
Child Document RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.ChildDocType RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.ParentDocType P A Document Type defines the nodes of the workflow and the actions being requested in each node.
eDocLite Form RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.ChildDocType RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.Form RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.Style true defines the fields on the form. defines the layout using HTML tags binds the form to a Document Type
Rule Attributes RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.isUrgent.RuleAttribute edu.iu.uis.eden.routetemplate.xmlrouting.StandardGenericXMLRuleAttribute Request Firewall Change Is Urgent Rule Attribute RuleXmlAttribute select NO YES //isUrgent = wf:ruledata('isUrgent') %isUrgent% Rule Attributes define items (typically values in a field), that are to be evaluated by the workflow. They are associated with Rule Templates and Forms.
Rule Templates RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.InitialApproval.RuleTemplate Initial Approval RuleTemplate RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.isUrgent.RuleAttribute true RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.FinalApproval.RuleTemplate Final Approval RuleTemplate RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.isUrgent.RuleAttribute true Rule Templates are associated with Route Nodes. Rule Attributes bind Rule Attributes to nodes in the workflow.
Routing Rules RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.ChildDocType RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.InitialApproval.RuleTemplate Initial Approval By Firewall SysAdmin Rule false RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.isUrgent.RuleAttribute RequestFirewallChange.eDoc.InitialApproval.RuleTemplate isUrgent YES ucd.IET.DCCS.FirewallSysAdmin.Workgroup A 1 Routing Rules determine the direction of the workflow. The meat of a rule is comprised of Action Requested, Responsible Group, and one or more Rule Attributes.
eDocLite Dependency Hierarchy
Information Sources Kuali Foundation: ( Kuali Rice Hampton Sublett Curtis Bray UCD Kuali Rice Wiki: ( )