NOTE TAKING How do you take notes?
Ways to Take Notes Bullet points Numbers Different colors Charts No two people’s notes look the same!!! It’s a LIFE LONG skill.
Shorthand taken from Develop a “personal shorthand method” Pick a symbol or abbreviation for each word -Think of it as texting or writing a letter to your friend Examples: -b/c = because- + = and -w/o = without- ? = confusing -w/= with- = next, led to -govt= governmentBOLD = key terms -cont.= continueCOLORS = key terms/ big ideas
The Mountain Meadows Massacre September 11, 1857
What happened? The Mountain Meadows Massacre was the killing of about 120 emigrants who were passing through Southern Utah on their way to California The emigrants–men, women, and children–were traveling from Arkansas to California, part of the Baker-Fancher wagon train The emigrants were killed by a group of Mormons with the help of local Paiute Indians Baker-Fancher Party vs. Mormons/Indians
A bomb waiting to explode Tensions were high during this time because of the Utah War Many Mormons still remembered the persecutions and killings that occurred in Missouri and Illinois that drove them to Utah and they refused to be persecuted again They were ready for a fight...
RUMORS Unfortunately, rumors were spreading that members of the Baker-Fancher party were boasting about participating in the violence in Missouri and Illinois It was also said that the Baker-Fancher party had poisoned a local spring resulting in the death of people and livestock
RUMORS Many members of the Baker-Fancher party came from Arkansas where Parley P. Pratt, a beloved leader of the LDS church had recently been murdered Some of the members of the Baker-Fancher party were threatening to return to Utah, join the army, and help bring down the Mormons
What to do? Because of the rumors, meetings were held in Cedar City to decide what to do A suggestion was made that the Mormons dress up as Native Indians and attack the emigrants Nothing was officially decided, so a letter was sent to LDS leader Brigham Young asking for instructions
What happened? Local Mormon men formed a militia, dressed as Native Americans, along with local Paiutes, and attacked the wagon train The Baker-Fancher party defended themselves for 4 days
The Massacre On the 4 th day of the attack, September 11 th, the Mormons(no longer in dress up) approached the wagon train and told the emigrants that they had negotiated a truce with the Paiute Indians and would let them continue on to California. As the wagon train was being escorted to Cedar City the men were separated from the women and children... and the signal was given. It was a trap. The men, women and any children over the age of 8 were killed. Only 17 children ages 7 and younger survived A total of 120 people were killed
The Aftermath A letter from Brigham Young arrived instructing the Mormons to let the wagon train through in peace – one day too late A federal Judge attempted to arrest the leaders of the attack, John D. Lee, Isaac Haight and John Higbee, but all three fled before they could be arrested The federal judge also issued a warrant for Brigham Young, but he was released when no charges were filed
The Aftermath Later in the 1870s participants were arrested and many of them were removed from the membership of the LDS church John D. Lee was executed on March 23, 1877 for his involvement Others involved were never charged, never found or exchanged information about the massacre for their freedom
The LDS Church and Memorials At first the LDS church denied any involvement of it’s Mormon members in the massacre However, the church eventually acknowledged the involvement of its members Memorials now stand at the site of the massacre and part of it is maintained by the LDS church
1.In what part of Utah did the Mountain Meadow Massacre happen? 2.Who were the 2 main groups involved? 3.Why were the Mormons ready to fight? 4.Who did the Mormons send a letter to? 5.A certain group of Mormon men dressed up as Indians. What is this group called? 6.Was the call for a truce real or was it a trap? 7.How many people died? 8.When did Brigham Young’s letter arrive? 9.Is the LDS church involved with memorials for the event?
1.In what part of Utah did the Mountain Meadow Massacre happen? In Southern Utah 2.Who were the 2 main groups involved? Baker- Fancher Party vs. Mormons/Indians 3.Why were the Mormons ready to fight? 1)They were sick of being persecuted 2) some of the wagon party was bragging that they were in the mob 3) poisoned water killed Mormon cows and horses 4.Who did the Mormons send a letter to? Brigham Young 5.A certain group of Mormon men dressed up as Indians. What is this group called? Militia 6.Was the call for a truce real or was it a trap? A trap 7.How many people died? When did Brigham Young’s letter arrive? One day later 9.Is the LDS church involved with memorials for the event? Yes