A Repository of Cultural Heritage Objects: Criteria of Annotation and Archiving Carina Kargl & Elisabeth Steiner Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung – Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities Universität Graz
Outline o About the project o Resources o Structure & features web portal o Challenges & approaches o Metadata categories and their annotation
„Repository of Styrian Cultural Heritage“ o o Financed by the Federal Ministry („Hochschulraumstrukturmittel“) o Cooperation partners University of Graz (lead partner) University of Technology Graz University of Music and Performing Arts Graz GrazMuseum Universalmuseum Joanneum Styrian Provincial Government about the project
„Repository of Styrian Cultural Heritage“ o Aims at the processing, protection, publication and accessibility of digitized Styrian cultural and scientific heritage o Builds a network of institutions and collections o Raises awareness for digital agenda o Creates a common web portal about the project
Digitized Resources o Manuscripts (medieval to modern) o Postcards and letters o Archival recordings o Historical photographs and lantern slides o Museum objects Criminological Archaeological Numismatic … resources
Diverse materials and partners resources
Functionalities web portal o Search simple, full-text, facetted, advanced o Visualizations maps, timelines, collections, networks… o Virtual exhibitions and showcases „digital strolling“, teaser structure & features
o Long-term preservation strategies o Search through all collections within the portal o Approaches Flexible preservation repositories Interfaces Harvesting Data mapping Heterogeneous technical infrastructures challenges & approaches
Heterogeneous content & metadata o disciplines, terminology and traditions o inventory vs. deep annotation o old and non-systematic annotations o Approaches homogenisation of metadata core categories required for the web portal quality control controlled vocabularies challenges & approaches
Metadata core categories Category institution controlled list time ISO 8601 (JJJJ-MM-TT) place GeoNames, TGN person GND, VIAF object type controlled list (manuscript, postcard, etc.) media type text, image, audio, video short description/title meaningful & explicit categories
Other „challenging“ categories Category material controlled vocabulary measurements/format measurement units, separator, … keywords controlled vocabulary transcription distinction between information about & information from an object historical terms categories
Summary o Complex task: > acknowledge diversity but get to a common denominator o More challenges to come, but: similar problems for all partners and collections o Communication & advice are crucial!
Thank you! More information: wissenschaftserbe.uni-graz.at or contact: