6/7 November 2012 Transcendentalism Ralph Waldo Emerson’s motto, “Trust thyself,” distills the essence of his ideals. Create your own motto. Consider traits or resources that helped you solve a problem, or the best advice you’ve ever given a friend.
One I like is……. “Fall down seven times, Stand up eight. --Japanese Proverb
Are You a Transcendentalist? *Answer yes or no to each question in your journal* 1.Are you afraid of nature? 2.Do you view man as naturally bad (yes) or naturally good (no)? 3.Would you live alone in the woods? 4.Do you feel more connected with yourself in nature (yes) or in church (no)? 5.Would you burn someone you thought was a witch? 6.Would you ever live in a commune? 7.Do you dress in a way that makes you comfortable (yes) or like your friends (no)? 8.Would you encourage others to think for themselves with no concern for the consequences (yes) or to conform to keep the peace (no)? 9.If faced with adversity, would you stay and fight (yes) or run away to a new country (no)?
Transcendentalist Quiz cont. 10. Who do you think was more savage: American Indians (yes) or early settlers (no)? 11.Which do you prefer: poetry (yes) or prose (no)? 12.Do you think that war is ever good? 13.Would you be happy living in a box?
Results….. 4 or less “T’s” you are definitely NOT a transcendentalist. You HATE nature! 6-10 “T’s” you have SOME transcendental tendencies. “T’s you are a transcendentalist for certain! You share the same philosophies as Emerson and Thoreau, and will probably enjoy the literature we will be reading the rest of the quarter